
How's your LOVE life?..

Hey, some very good reminders in that book you gave me on letting God grow us to have the patient kindness and love of Christ. e.g. "the 3 Stooges".
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Oh, God we're glad that you are our Father
& you're intent on growing us like Christ
(that's your anointed). We would not rather
have any other leader, he's suffice.

And now I see your great (yet small) design
you wanted many son's and daughters more
so you anointed lives as small as mine
(that's really yours) with your spirit you poured.

So that the culture of eternity,
that's based on fam'ly love from you to us
could be lived out through people here like me,
God now I see why you make such a fuss!

It's true I've seen that many times before,
the point however is not just "to see",
I see that too, but now I see it more.
Please help me now my challenge is "to be-"

I now recall your words to me last night,
what Jesus said to all those who would "do
the works of God" set for them in their plight;
which was "to be-lieve on the person who...

was sent to lead them"* as a shepherd leads
who knows his sheep by name, they hear his word
to them. He keeps them safe, and too he feeds,
and helps them care for lambs - he is a "nerd"

a "nerd" who studied sheep and knows them well
each one has names, and places in the flock.
He's not just paid, he loves, and you can tell!
Please grow your patient love in me. YOU ROCK!

* John 6:29

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