
Daughter once asked for prayer to find the strength to keep going and to feel valued..

Dear daughter, you are loved.
Your value doesn't come
from any skill that's gloved
to look like number ONE.

It is a human hand
that held and gave you life
because that Son of Man
has entered in our strife.

You have been made by God,
well that's only half true,
what does seem very odd
is he is fond of you

(& me also I know)
which makes me very glad
because he loves us so
he let me be your dad.

But he only shares this
for he's your Dad at first
(my love is only mist)
His Love is full to burst.

You are the only 'Belle
with Anna at the front
then Rose Elvita, well
Heer Walker hasn't done't,

for he has a white stone
with your new name on it
for you to know alone
- no speck of shame on it.

xo Paul (means small)

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