
Giving Living Thanks

"Give thanks to God, The Lord". The prophets and
priests, and fathers, mothers of God's People,
would say to help them grow up so to stand
mature and with appreciation's pull

and woo, which wakens other things within,
that you and other people might become
complete, and perfect, as he imagined
to make from all humanity "someone".

So as he first imagines time and space
and elements to make stuff with, and waves,
(that's energy that lets us see a place),
and speaks out words, and then appreciates,

he calls us to do as he did, and does:
to grow up like our old man (God- Divine)!
Yeshua showed us how to thank his "hus-
band-man" (the gard'ner, - he himself the vine)

If God is better than we could image
in our small, tiny minds with not much love;
if his own faithful love has no dim-age,
then I could learn to look to you above,

and then say "..thank you, very much, from me..."
And learn to see the good you have strewn round,
and think (with God), till I can clearly "see"..
how I could still work with you "on the ground".

And since I love you, I am looking for
some chances to see all that you have done.
Appreciate back to you, all the more,
as does a darling daughter, or a son!

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Give thanks to The Lord. Here's why- he's better than anyone could ever imagine. Yes he's always loving and kind, and his faithful love never ends. Psalms 107:1 (PM Version)

In the beginning God,... brooded over the water... (Chorus repeated: God said..., and called..., and God saw that it was ... good). Gen 1


Family photos @ Christmas

Wow-wee! We think you are a handsome bunch.
We hope you had a Merry Christmas lunch.
And thank you for this picture you have sent.
We hope and pray that you'll go where HE went.


from chrysalis to Christ released...

By constantly using your faith, 
the life of the Christ is released
in mortal flesh (human not wraithe)
where love is accepted (un-sheathed)

deep inside yourself, where his love
brings rest, and continues to brood,
becomes a source (from above),
a place where Christ's real life takes root.

Be cheerful and joyful in all
the seasons of life we are in.
For what we've received is not small,
and it can't be conquored by sin!

Whatever you do, work with all 
your heart, as though he asked you to
(you'll have to interpret, or call
for wisdom to see what to do).

He knows all the system down here,
how occupied territ'ries feel,
the "freedoms" that aren't as appears,
the slav'ry that's (not said, but) real.

Oh God I would rather be your
bond-SLAVE, than be their "citizen".
I'll work to bring - your will my Lord,
not humans' applause once again.

We know we'll receive a reward,
for what we have (followed and) learned
of God, who's none other than LORD
(with rankings he's not so concerned)!

..........       ..........       ..........

By constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of His love will become the very source and root of your life. Ephesians 3:17 (PM Version)

Be cheerful and joyful in every season of life. For we have much to rejoice about. Philippians 4:4 (PM Version)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for The Lord rather than people. For we know that we will receive a reward, an inheritance from The Lord. A disciple will be repaid for what he has learned and followed, for God pays no attention to the titles or prestige of men. Colossians 3:23-25 (PM Version)


A new babe born to family..

How good is that! A new born babe has come.
Fresh from the Father's heart, into this world.
To Darnell and Dianne is born a son,
and Trevin's baby brother is uncurled.

Oh God please give this fam'ly your great love,
and patient grace, and wisdom too as well,
to take this little gift from you above,
and care for him as though your son now dwelt

right there with them within their fam-i-ly.
We KNOW that's not quite true, and yet it IS,
for Jesus' word (heard exegetic'lly)
about "the least of these" gives some of his

mind on the matter to us here today.
He's teaching his disciples his true love.
As they give of their bodies in this way,
and blood, sweat, tears, we know you smile above.


(Written on 29 Dec for birth on 28Dec. Darnell, sorry if i spelt folks names wrongly, I mistakenly wiped them out of my phone contacts, so was going from memory. Just transpose the correct versions in)

like our Lord, or not?

Brothers and sisters, don't ever attempt to combine snobbery and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. For example, suppose a man comes into your meeting dressed in expensive clothes, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes. If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich man, but you say to the poor man, stand over there or sit on the floor. Doesn't that prove you are making class distinctions in you mind for evil motives. This is not good.
Stop and think about this- hasn't God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith. Aren't they the ones who will inherit the kingdom He promised to those who love Him. But there is some of us that have dishonoured the poor
James 2:1-6 (PM Version)

Brothers and sisters, don't ever 
attempt to combine snob-ber-y 
and faith in our Lord Yeshua

For example, suppose a man 
comes into your meeting dressed in 
expensive clothes and white turban,
and another comes in dressed in

dirty clothes, for they are quite poor.
If you give special attention 
offer a good seat, & do more,
to (and for) the very rich man,

but say to the man who is poor, 
you can stand over there, or if...
if you must sit, then here's some floor.
Doesn't that prove you are quite stiff...

stiff-necked & hard-hearted, making 
class distinc-tions in your mind from 
self-centered motives, and faking
good ones, this makes you blind from

your evil motives. This ain't good!
Stop and think about this- hasn't 
God chosen the poor in this world 
to be rich in faith, and aren't 

they the ones who Yeshua told
who would inherit the kingdom 
He promised to those who love bold-
-ly first the God who would listen

then like that, his images too,
for they're more than his creation,
they are his own children to boot
(that he's forming to a nation).

But there is some of us that have
dishonoured the poor in our midst
because we just haven't thought of
obeying our Lord; we have winced...

& fallen back, 'stead of dashing
forward to obey his comm-and,
willing to leave our lives crashing
around us, on his word we stand!

James 2:1-6 (after PM)


God will give some folk their "heart desires"

"Delight yourself in Yahweh God himself."
If you have him as "friend" - like Abram won;
or walk with him, like Enoch (God's his wealth -
inheritance to give to great grandson).

"He'll give you the desires of your heart".
I wonder what those fellows de-sired most?
It seems to me they sired (for a start)
their sons and daughters, whom they'd train to boast

in nothing but the Lord their God, for sure ..
his people, that's his lambs or kids he loves,
& they like him desired nothing more
than those whom they'd share with life from above.

Through the stuff of life, passing things on,
and training their own children to follow,
keep fam'ly friendships  to be built upon,
desire with God, heart friendship, not hollow!

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Delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (PM Version)


Fam'ly friends visit others on hols...

Strength, and Love be to them all - those Gigers.
Please help them building their house to be strong,
and may they all escape lions and tigers,
that hope to eat them up before too long.

And may they emanate your grace and peace,
& see creative ways to bring them on,
within this world where wonders never cease,
because you are still here, and you are strong.

And even though you grieve, and Christ suffered,
we're coming to believe you're not engulfed;
within our suff'ring, Goodness is "buffered",
until it breaks through, strong and quite abrupt.

And please help Gigers, helping Dee to show
your love and care to fatherless children,
and wives who lost their husbands, or don't know
where they have gone, or problems have killed them.

May YOUR peace of mind fill all these people,
and may they work together for your rule,
may YOUR sweet spirit help them to weep all
your children would, with your joy as their jew'l.


🗿🎶📣✳️so Merry Christmas...✴️🥁🕯️🔛

So "Merry Christmas to you all anon",
& on, an' ON may you all come with LIFE
that comes from higher up, & far beyond
this atmosphere, and "neediness", and strife,

& yet it loves to live down here with us,
just like a dad or mum who loves their kids
& is not irritated with the fuss
of backyard camping (even “on the skids”),

but sees it as a privilege to share
- that’s even in the problems that we face,
knows we will have the eyes to see real care
when others only say that we're disgraced.

So like that Christmas morning at the first,
when that first Mary Christmas had her child,
when all the heavens were, like “fit to burst”,
and knew that we could all be reconciled

to walk again with God throughout this life
(as Yeshua then modelled for us all*,
just like that Enoch dude did when his wife
bore their first son° - as he grew strong and tall).

……….       ……….       ……….
* See the 4 “Gospels” in the New Testament records of Jesus.

° "When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. " (Gen. 5:21‭-‬24 NIVUK)

peace on Earth... via? (dolarossa!)

Yes, Lord Jesus, your peace
is where I want to be.
Angels' song be released
upon this world in me...

because you are living
on earth still in these bods..
man of sorrows giving
trials and troubles nods..

as "friends" that were sent to
help us learn obedience,
may they, as they're meant to,
grow 'nme perseverance.

And so I take heart now
for you are here with me;
you beat this world somehow,
I'm glad 'fyour company!

.......    .......    .......
Jesus has given me His peace, although here on earth I face many trials and sorrows. I take heart, because Jesus has overcome the world. John16:33 (PM Version)

The angel came to her and said, “Peace be with you! The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you!” Luke 1:28 GNTD

Suddenly a great army of heaven's angels appeared with the angel, singing praises to God: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:13-14 GNTD

From Jesus' little brother James, we have: "When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your lives my brothers, don’t resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends! Realise that they come to test your faith and to produce in you the quality of endurance. But let the process go on until that endurance is fully developed, and you will find you have become men of mature character with the right sort of independence..."  (Jam 1:1-15 J.B.Phillips NTIME)

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Christmas Eve (&Adam) ...

Don't learn behaviours, customs, ways & means
(for living and achieving, growing true)
from this rebellious world and all it's memes,
for all it's pow'r to transform comes from "you",

or others round about, or else "decay".
It's "creativity" is really tricks,
Let God transform you in his new cre-A-
tion (changing me by changing how I thinks,

& feels, from deep commitments which embed,
& grow within the garden of God's View.
Thus New Creation starts within the head
(& co-creators, must imagine too)!

In ways like this you'll learn to know Gods will
for you: the good, the perfect, pleasing thing.
Don't doubt Gods mighty power at  work. Be still!
Amazing things accomplished in you'll bring

much more than your own greatest request here,
beyond your most fantastic dreams and hopes,
exceeding all your wild imaginings. 
The energy comes (to &) through us dopes

from fiat source of all creative pow'r:
the word, before the spelling was made up,
the force of life, & love, that right this hour
is dark and ominous, sometimes errupts.

But better than tectonic forces and
the gravity and heat of moulten rock,
en-gulfed in love, we're learning now to stand.
We find that this great force has been begott(-en).

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Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know Gods will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 (PM Version)

Never doubt Gods mighty power to work in you and accomplish amazing things. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination. For His miraculous power is constantly energizes you. Ephesians 3:20 (PM Version)


...but I will wait...

I wait, I say, upon the LORD, and his
his timing, his discretion, his longings.
For who renews my strength and life? - He is
the one who's son I am. More than "bong-ings" ..

he gets me high, in ways that are regal,
a solid part of living life as he...
(at times I soar on wings as an eagle. 
Sometimes I run and hardly grow weary)

As Enoch & Yeshua walked through life
in company with Creator (that's you, God),
so I would not stumble but walk, though strife
might try to trip, I'll trust him who has trod

this way, who let God help him to the end
be strong and free from blame, and still entrust
his rights to God, who justifies his friends.
Now that's the way that I will go. I must!

Yeshua, God will vindicate fully,
when he is KNOWN as Christ, and rules this Earth!
And he will trump every leading “bully”,
by God’s own power that raised him with new birth.

Invited into partnership with Christ,
I'll pray & watch with thankfulness of heart.
The thirsty and the hungry he sufficed
with good things, for he’s good. I'll do my part

and thank him, recognize the Source of Good - 
His faithful love endures forevermore.
“All that I can”, is not more than I should..
All that I am I focus to adore!

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I wait on the LORD, for He is the one that renews my strength. I will soar with wings like eagles. I will run and not grow weary. I will walk and not stumble. Isaiah 40:31(PM Version)

God will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when Jesus returns. God will do this, for He is faithful to do what He says, and He has invited you into a partnership with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9 (PM Version)

Keep praying, being watchful with a thankful heart. Colissians 4:2 (PM Version)

The Lord satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry soul with good things. Psalm 107:9 (PM Version)

"Give thanks to The Lord Almighty, for He is good and His faithful love endures forever" Jeremiah 33:11b (PM Version)


we imagined, then prayed, ... it happened, displayed...

Yes. Thank you God, for bringing this about.
And now help us we pray, to learn from you
how to imagine good things, which no doubt
will be a bit like you, who's good & true!


Learning to count..

Please teach us Lord our God, to keep account,
re-mem-ber-ing how finite is this life,
that each day numbered, named, will quite stand out
unique, with opportunities and rife

with chances to gain more, or grow a - heart
of wisdom, which comes down from Hea'en above,
that perseveres (to "finish" not just  "start"),
& drenches all it does with godly love.

And one who dwells within the secret place,
who has a secret life with the Most High,
will live each day within the shadowed space
under the wings of "mother hen". Let's try

to do what Jesus wished those folk would do:
straight to him for protection quickly run
from life alone without a parent to
do what a parent's love will see is  done.

And learn to take his kind 'ove protection
with real, hard, jobs within the family.
Yeshua trusted God's resurrection
to come on through, to hold him, on the sea,

to get his boat right straightaway to land,
to feed the folk who all turned up to see
what they could get (that whiffed of heaven's hand)
when "his" two fish (both dead) and bread weren't free.

I'll say of this my Lord, Jesus, "He is 
my shelter, & my refuge, my god whom
now will I trust! - above all my fears
and I like him will "grow up", in (t)his 'womb'*.
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*[I say "(t)his 'womb' ", for all this world is his,
but also for this world is our true womb,
protected by God's own pers'nal presence,
one day we will "come out" from it's cocoon!]
..........       ..........       ..........

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. James 1:2‭-‬7 NIVUK ( https://bible.com/bible/113/jas.1.2-7.NIVUK )

Teach us Lord to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 (PM Version)

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:13‭, ‬17‭-‬18 NIVUK ( https://bible.com/bible/113/jas.3.13-18.NIVUK )

He who dwells in the secret place of the most high, will abide under the shadow of the almighty, I will say of The Lord, He is my shelter, my refuge, my God... in Him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2 (PM Version)

All of creation waits with eager longing for God to reveal his children. For we know that up to the present time all of creation groans with pain, like the pain of childbirth. But it is not just creation alone which groans; we who have the Spirit as the first of God's gifts also groan within ourselves as we wait for God to make us his children and set our whole being free. Romans 8:19‭, ‬22‭-‬23 GNTD ( https://bible.com/bible/69/rom.8.19-23.GNTD )


🚩🎶Happy birthday Shell! 🎷🎵🎹🎼

Well Shell, my sister, Fifty-five years old,
comes creeping up the ladder of this life,
yet hasn't kicked that bucket, turned to mould,
or grumped at all the cutting things a knife 

can do, although it's true (if truth be told).
The knife that cuts, if it's  not handled well,
can still be great use, in a surgeon's bold
and helpful hand. God save us from our hells!

And thank you for the shell who's "hollow space", 
reminds us of the sea from which it came
(well, those who know associate the place
it grew up, with the sound, that sounds the same).

And thank you for the Shell who is today,
who came to us from God's own heart of love
Though sometimes she's had other things to say,
she's more than just a shell. "Coo" on, you dove!

-reminding us of doves who brood on eggs,
to help them to hatch out and then grow up;
they.. aren't carniv'rous, fly  (& stand on legs),
and carry tokens of faith, hope, and love!

What's up?

Txt2P: what's up?
Txt<-P: what's come to mind so far:

Where-ever you are being pulled down to,
and forced to go, no matter what your choice;
that's probably not "up", you're not bound to
go that way, you're a baby girl or boy,

(so, Son or Daughter) of the Most High God,
you're made to grow up like your own father
(or mother), or big brother, where he's trod
gives us the way to grow up, it's "Abba!"

A calling out, and knowing you aren't less,
a trusting that there's love within this world,
then acting from responding-love for best,
that's even when you don't "get" what is hurled

towards you, or quite want it as a gift.
And still to treat what's up as it's a "who", 
and who will answer, and your head up-lift.
That's up, and that's what I would like to do!


Man who was sick doing better

That's good to hear! Oh God please help us see
how we can pray for this girl's's uncle Ross.
Help him not fear, no matter what may be
prognoses for him here, and even loss;

and not because he's psycho, but 'coz he's
so solid on the hope we have in Christ
that this world is a womb that won't appease
our highest hopes for ever. It sufficed

for growing and attaching to our bods.
Though new ones have been ordered for new worlds,
well new Heaven and Earth, where there are wads
of new adventures waiting in them curled.


We keep on praying, asking God that he
enable you to live a life worthy
of His good call. May He give you the pow'r
t'accomplish all the good your faith prompts now.
Which seems to beg re.quest-ions: "What's my faith
thwarting or prompting me to do? Please pray!

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So we keep on praying, asking God to enable you to live a life worthy of His call. May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (PM Version)


with God.. compassion confirs capacity..

Since your head's every hair is numbered too
you know that someone cares much more than you.
So don't think you'll be one God overlooks,
you are more valuable to God than  chooks,
or flocks of sparrows, yet he knows each bird,
you are his little one, don't be absurd!
He loves you, more than best father that’s known,
& you can rest in that for you're his own.
For when you trust The Lord with all your heart,
(don't try to work things out yourself apart
from God, but then instead) acknowledge him
in all you do, together you will win!


Every hair on your head is numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuble to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7 (PM Version)

Trust in The Lord with all your heart, don't try to work out it out on your own. Acknowledge God In everything you do and He will direct you on the right path. Proverbs 3:5,6 (PM Version)

his love confers value

Since your head's every hair is numbered too
you know that someone cares much more than you.
So don't think you'll be one God overlooks,
you are more valuable to God than chooks,
or flocks of sparrows, yet he knows each bird.
You are his little one, don't be absurd!
He loves you, more than best father that’s known,
& you can rest in that for you're his own.
..........       ..........       ..........
Every hair on your head is numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuble to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7 (PM Version)


don't worry (or hurry)!

Then Jesus said to them "Don't worry or
surrender to your fear. For you believed ..
("in God we trust" said many times before).
If you believe God sent me, trust in me.

I’m telling you, we're heading for the joy
of God who is the most joyful of all,
(you're living in his dream, right now my boy)
he’s engineering things so you stand tall!

So even through the troubles of this “life”
we're being grown to real maturity.
Be truly glad! For his great joy is rife
ahead, though you have to endure nitty-

gritty-many trials for this “small time”.
These trials prove that your faith is the real-
deal genuine, like gold which is refined
by fire, your faith is purified, & "healed".

For when your faith holds on throughout these trials,
which act like heat, it's strengthened and annealed!
Much praise & glory, honour, & too smiles -
your (ways and stories, with) Jesus, revealed!


Jesus said "Don't worry or surrender to your fear. For you've believed in God, now trust and believe in me also John 14:1 (PM Version)

Be truly glad!!! There is wonderful joy ahead. Even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials prove that your faith is genuine, being refined by fire, your faith is more precious than gold. So when your faith remains strong through these trials, it will bring you much praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:6-7
(PM Version)


alone? or with?

The things that are  impossible for man are possible with God. Luke 18:27 ( PM Version)


Oh what a lovely  possibility:
he knows that by ourselves (that's on our own),
we're stymied by impossibilities,
yet he does not just stay up on his throne.

And he is not impassive to our plight.
He kneels right down and dirties up his knees,
and hangs around when we cry though the night,
and whispers good dreams and true thoughts to seize

the chance to work together with us on
a thing that must be done to bring on good,
to work to help us see a great vision
and recognize some steps to take that could

be truly part of making it occur,
and yet he's not just working on a task
& doing so much stuff that life's a blurr,
he's wooing us till that is what we ask

for. He will work with us, if we too will
side with his own will beyond desire,
like all those times when Jesus said "Be still",
or "Do not be affraid", or asked "Why are

you now so scared, or troubled in your heart(s)?
- Did you forget the God of Abraham
(who walked his life before God from the start)?
Creator of the world whom nothing can

outwit or conquor, he makes all from thought.
He speaks & all the universe exists.
Oh what a joy to be teamed up or caught
up in the sharing of a life like his!


Things that are  impossible for man are possible with God. Luke 18:27
( PM Version)


Daughter once asked for prayer to find the strength to keep going and to feel valued..

Dear daughter, you are loved.
Your value doesn't come
from any skill that's gloved
to look like number ONE.

It is a human hand
that held and gave you life
because that Son of Man
has entered in our strife.

You have been made by God,
well that's only half true,
what does seem very odd
is he is fond of you

(& me also I know)
which makes me very glad
because he loves us so
he let me be your dad.

But he only shares this
for he's your Dad at first
(my love is only mist)
His Love is full to burst.

You are the only 'Belle
with Anna at the front
then Rose Elvita, well
Heer Walker hasn't done't,

for he has a white stone
with your new name on it
for you to know alone
- no speck of shame on it.

xo Paul (means small)


How's your LOVE life?..

Hey, some very good reminders in that book you gave me on letting God grow us to have the patient kindness and love of Christ. e.g. "the 3 Stooges".
........          ........          ........

Oh, God we're glad that you are our Father
& you're intent on growing us like Christ
(that's your anointed). We would not rather
have any other leader, he's suffice.

And now I see your great (yet small) design
you wanted many son's and daughters more
so you anointed lives as small as mine
(that's really yours) with your spirit you poured.

So that the culture of eternity,
that's based on fam'ly love from you to us
could be lived out through people here like me,
God now I see why you make such a fuss!

It's true I've seen that many times before,
the point however is not just "to see",
I see that too, but now I see it more.
Please help me now my challenge is "to be-"

I now recall your words to me last night,
what Jesus said to all those who would "do
the works of God" set for them in their plight;
which was "to be-lieve on the person who...

was sent to lead them"* as a shepherd leads
who knows his sheep by name, they hear his word
to them. He keeps them safe, and too he feeds,
and helps them care for lambs - he is a "nerd"

a "nerd" who studied sheep and knows them well
each one has names, and places in the flock.
He's not just paid, he loves, and you can tell!
Please grow your patient love in me. YOU ROCK!

* John 6:29


after “Chris’s piece”...

Txt2PW: Check out John chapter 20:19-31 for context:
..........       ..........       ..........
“Chris’s piece-” 

Jesus gave the air of comfort to his disciples, who were trying to trace his steps,
but at the time, they were trusting him less.
He was found to be amongst them, and he said,"peace be with you."And peace they got.
Suddenly, they were a much happier lot.
"Forgiving sins, those mistakes you all make, is good for you,
And the person you'd sue.
Or, maybe they'd sue you too.
But, make that effort to tell them out loud.
Maybe, do it in private,
you'll feel much less proud."
So, help us please lord,
To all get along,
Give  us wisdom to live,
And join in with your song.
..........       ..........       ..........


after “Chris’s piece-”...

Then Jesus brought his peace into that place
of fear, and death, & torture, where they were.
That “shallom” peace of “thriving” on his face,
and in his breath his spirit he confired.

And while he did not hide his suffering,
it wasn't quite “The End” of how things went,
in fact this new beginning (buffering)
was coming soon, to “Centre Stage” “hell-bent”.

His own disciples, tracing where he stepped, 
might well 've been scared of what all that meant.
He didn't put them down a peg, but kept
the pressure on, they would go where he went.

Now they would be baptised with his baptism,
and have that same anointing that he had.
Forgive the sins of people (who risen,
need feed), then care for them as mum or dad.

And he was found amongst them, and they got
the pow'r of God, within community
embodied in himself, & then that lot
(he’d prayed to God “Forgive them, they don’t see...”

- but then he’d given them the gift before
their very eyes & ears, they’d know, if they
we're int’rested in love, deeper than law.
Some Teachers of the Law still got away.)

But these of Yeshua, his “dear children”*
he gave from Hea’en above resources to
continue on his mission, with wisdom,
God’s very nature. He said that would do!

..........          ..........          ..........          ..........
* John 13:33-35


away for today

Ok. Have a good day!

Hope things worked out with neighbours & container,
& buyers as well. God, give to (this framer
of words, and wording) wisdom there today,
that Truth will be heard in all that folk say...


children's choices

God please give us your wisdom with all this.
And thank you for the way you've helped so far,
identifying things that were amiss
& thinking of fresh ways to serve that are

a-smelling of your generosity,
and service to us as we learn to trust
the one who's given all of our housing,
and bodies, transport, treasure that won't rust.

And save us please, oh God, from fretfullness,
and thinking that we have to "make it work",
as though you weren't around, or wouldn't bless,
we know you can provide, and you won't shirk!

We trust the word of Yeshua. Our King's
command: "Seek first God's kingdom (that's his rule)",
and we will see how God provides "these things",
and if we have to "wait", why that is cool.

Please help us see creative options too,
and other ways to help out Russ & Sue,
to live their lives by walking before you,
to stand and wait in your council that's true*.

* Jem 23: 16-22
This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord .  They keep saying to those who despise me, “The Lord says: you will have peace.” And to all who follow the stubbornness of their hearts they say, “No harm will come to you.”  But which of them has stood in the council of the Lord to see or to hear his word? Who has listened and heard his word?  See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.  The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will understand it clearly.  I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied.  But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds.  Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?’ declares the Lord . ‘Do not I fill heaven and earth?’ declares the Lord .
Jer. 23:16‭-‬22‭, ‬24 NIVUK https://bible.com/bible/113/jer.23.16-24.NIVUK


praying, waiting, accomplishing, trusting, hoping... all to love!

We keep on praying, asking God these few
things: to enable you to live worthy
of His high call. May He give pow’r to you
to bring about, complete then (on earth) the
heav-en-ly good things faith prompts you to do.
And too, we wait upon the LORD, for He
is who it is that makes our strength renewed,
so we will wing it, soar like eagles. We 
will run and be not weary, & then too
we'll walk (not stumble irreparably),
& if we cannot walk we’ll stand in view
(of you) for we are waiters and we’ll see
enough to know what you want us to do, 
and all the while we’ll be singing of “he”
(who taught us to trust God, and then “adieu”
our weak and faithless ways) he faithfully
embodied confidence, & too eschewed
his own will for your will, & then calls me
within this cloud of un-knowing to “glue”
myself to him and stick around to see
what faithful loving hope can make and do,
that what we hope for will quite act-u-’lly 
then happen, come about, accomplish too
- gives certainty about things we can’t (yet) see! 


So we keep on praying, asking God to enable you to live a life worthy of His call. May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (PM Version)

I wait on the LORD, for He is the one that renews my strength. I will soar with wings like eagles. I will run and not grow weary. I will walk and not stumble. Isaiah 40:31(PM Version)

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us certainty about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 (PM Version)

praying & waiting

We keep on praying, asking God these few:
enable you to live a life worthy
of His high call. May He give pow’r to you
to bring about, complete then (on earth) the
heavenly good things faith prompts you to do.
And too, we wait upon the LORD, for He
is who renews our strength, so we will wing
it, soar like eagles. We will run and, see,
not weary; as we walk unstumbled, sing!


So we keep on praying, asking God to enable you to live a life worthy of His call. May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (PM Version)

I wait on the LORD, for He is the one that renews my strength. I will soar with wings like eagles. I will run and not grow weary. I will walk and not stumble. Isaiah 40:31(PM Version)

after a lovely night

Hey thanks for your help setting up stuff yesterday, for your beautiful singing, and contribution in simply being yourself and being there with your beautiful offspring and attitude... It all added goodness to a motley collection of us motley humans....


Oh God we thank you for what you're doing
in spreading out goodness through your fam'ly.
We see in Jesus, and those pursuing
him glimpses OF what we'd more like to be

[and do, too, coz they're cool, but we know that
as HE said, they come out of his heart set
on true responding to, or "copy-cat"
(in mind-ful sort of way, not as parrot)

behaviour, attitude that's just like you]!
Please grow that more in me by your spirit,
protect me from my dead-self shadow too,
that wants to focus on all my merit

and play a self-"defensive" game of woe
(or triumph), 'stead of letting all the stuff
of life be like a game, & have a go
at giving my best shot when things are tough,

& learning from the Master who'd love to
first show me how it's done, then tell secrets,
& help me have his attitude, and do
the kind of moves and ways of being he gets

to have himself, and pass on to those who
should like to learn from him, to "play the game"
& have a kind of dignity, which lose
or win, will still enjoy, and treat the same

the other players who are playing too.
Oh God, I love to see "fam'ly culture"
that springs from love, that comes from out of you
(more like an elephant, than a vulture)!😉


my communication depends... (on a mystical connection to Christ)

In Jesus, as James saw him, I can be
not quick to make my point here (with some pow'r),
so quick to make folk listen up to me.
His creativity and love, is ours!

He's given his own spirit to his ones.
He's shared his whole mindset, and method too.
His WAY, is for all HIS daughters and sons,
His "most excellent way"* for me and you.

He doesn't MAKE folk DO so very much,
for that weak kind of power does not bring change
of heart, & mind, with deep commitments such
that people's whole lives are then re-arranged.

The righteousness of God is not just "works",
although it comes to change all them as well,
it's not just stickers he puts on some jerks,
it is a PERSON! - who "does all things well"#.

He even makes the deaf one's ears to hear
their Father God - sometimes through others too,
not just the outward kind, but drawing near
and list'ning for what God would have me do.

And when I am tongue-tied and don't know what
to say, he'll give me what to speak from him,
I might not have an answer in a shot,
but it will make him glad, and not so grim.

And as I grow in him, I shall be like
him: slow to anger drenched in that "hesed"**.
Oh God as I grow up, I want to hike
here in your company°, until I'm "dead".

'In Jesus I can be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because my mind is set on the righteousness that God desires...' James 1:19‭-‬20 (CR Version)

*   1Cor 12:31-14:1
!   Mal 4:2; Acts 22:14; Col 2:9; 1 Cor1:30; Rom8:10-12
#   Psalm126:3; Luke1:49; Mark7:37
**  "hesed"(Hebrew)=loving-kindness, loyal love, faithful-compassion;  Exod 34:6; Num 14:18 ; Ps 86:15; 103:8; 145:8; Joel 2:13; Neh 9:17; Jonah 4:2; 1Cor13:5;
°  unlike Adam & Eve who hid from the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the evening; like Enoch who walked with God for 300 yrs., "& then God took him".