
Still, Know, will show, him go! (part 1)

BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!!  Psalm 46:10 (PM Version)
Let us hold onto the hope we have, knowing that God is faithful. Let us keep encouraging and cheering each other on in love and helping each other where ever possible.  Hebrews 10:23-24 (PM Version)

He said "BE STILL- (that's let your hands hang limp
with nothing left to do but look and see)
AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!! - not just a gimp,
& understand that you can trust in me."

Somehow when I am moving, doing stuff,
I then forget reality around
about me in the world that may be tough,
but can't be seen - and such things do abound!

But when I make me still and just observe
I somehow make room for myself to think,
& see things in a way that will more serve
reality, - as when I eat and drink,

and thus grow stronger and more able to
exert, and act, & do things in this place,
& also my "still" times are letting you
act in a way that won't bring me disgrace.

This lets me listen to your word to me
& lets it put down roots and grow up hope,
as grows a garden plot from some small seed
when planted, cultivated, helped to cope..

from living hope a living future's grown,
but if it can't hold on then you're just soil
(or dust, that hangs around or else is blown).
So let that true & faithful God en-boil

our mind/imaginations for futures
that sparkle with his love & light & grace.
Let's keep encouraging/ cheering others
to Love, & bring God's Good more to this place!

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