
God's Joy/Good-Pleasure

The Joy of the Lord is my strength!! Nehemiah 8:10 (PM Version)

The Joy of Yahweh, 
the Lord of the Earth. 
What is that? - you say.
Well, for what it's worth,

let's look at scripture -
& see what we'll find.
Can you remember,
what comes to your mind?

"At first" then, God would
be saying\seeing
that things were all "good",
till there came wee-ing

& pooing, & stood -
his very children;
then came - "very good".
Both man & woman

made up that ADAM.
It seemed he's very
glad that he had 'em.
And more than that he

was then very sad
when they turned away
from him - their own Dad.
And more on Yahweh -

who joys in 'hes-ed'^:
God's the true Lover -
husband, or parent
- never a "shover".

And when Next Adam
lived true, not "diseased",
God spoke from heaven,
said "I'm very pleased".

Then Luke says that Je-
sus strengthened by this
breath of God (who's pleased),
came out of the mist

and did all his work,
then said that his joy
would come & not shirk
to his "girl or boy"*.

And down the line, John,
a "child"* of Jesus,
said his joy comes on
when his "children" (us?)

walk\live in the light -
that's turned TO their God,
to help that he'll write...
Love's strong joy here trod!

^ 'hesed' or 'chesed' or 'kesed' (חֶסֶד ) is the Hebrew word used [throughout the Bible which Jesus & the early Christians used (the Christian "Old Testament")]  of God's faithful-hopeful-love.

* Jesus speaks of those who obey the will of God as his family (end of Mark 3); and in the context of his disciples\learners with him their Rabbi\teacher, he calls them his "children" (e.g. Mark 10:24-25; John 13:33-35; 14:18 etc) 

PW with help of the helper (whoth).


After posting this, I received a txt with this lovely quote on it:

...so that a friendship, a relationship of love, is once again living - & growing!

( Paul's concept of what this blessing is about... + see also Rom 5:9-11; Rom 8 etc)

Background references...

"... the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." Jn 15:11
"We write this to make (y)our joy complete." 1Jn 1:4
"I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete." 2Jn 1:12
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3John 1:4
(above references associated with John) etc..

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