
keep on as you began..

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirits leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:25 (PM Version)


Since we are following the one who'd do
much more than John who washed (in H2O);
the mighty one who "followed him", in lieu
of water, would clean deeper as he'd go

(& come), with spirit and also with fire.
That seems to be the mark of those who met
this Jesus, & had moved to life on higher
plains with the "living" water flowing yet

from their inmost self, making them "living";
their core is cleaned, like motives & desires,
their motive seems to be holy giving,
thus like seraphim's coals that come from fires

in holy altar somewhere in heaven,
when it touched those lips of old Isaiah's,
& seered them to be clean, pure, forgiven..
We're living by this Spirit (& these fires)!

So since our life has come from Jesus' Spirit
who's helping us to have his motives true,
let's follow up his leading - (you hear it?)
in every part of our lives, & thoughts too!


Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirits leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:25 (PM Version)


Marked Man


Wow! You all did well !
You must all be glad!
Best story to tell,
in both happy, sad

bits of it. KEEP ON
letting it into
your life here upon
God's good Earth (& Zoo).

Think Jesus would be
(even "was" right here)
glad. Now follow the
impulses he cheered!



Ah, you've listened well & spoken truth out
On ya! People who have taken in the
story of this God's Messiah - no lout!
May it come out again throughout the week!


stymie timey ; squaller-tea quality ? (Part 2 of ?)

And now I'm thinking of the job He gave
the first ambassadors of his new rule,
to go and make communities who'd save
& show the life of Jesus Christ - the fool,

who'd let them mock & spit on him & hit
him, dress him up, then take his clothes right off,
he trusted God with every little bit
to vindicate him - raise him up aloft.

The timing was important in his life:
those kairos times in private, public too*,
they helped him cut through doubt just like a knife,
& helped him see what he'd call men to do.

* e.g.Mark 1:16, the first sign in Cana in speaking with Mary and responding to her faith, in going up to the temple after his faithless brothers had left, in calling Peter to walk to him on the water (Matt), in answering Nathaniel's taunts(John), & responding to the 4 who let their parslysed friend down in front of him(Mark 2), in castigating an awareness of weather propensities but not the times they lived in (Lk 12- end) etc...


purring boy with spurring joy!

Joel Ewen McLean
kicked his toe, & in pain
cuddled Dad before bed,
was not sad, but 'nuff said...

Then slept soundly in bed
throughout all of the night.
When he woke up he said
"Yes", to milk, and a "flight"

from big tickling Daddy
around all of the house.
Who's "Goody" or "Baddy"?
We don't know but ours...

our ears are still ringing
not from sounds of singing
but from all that giggling
and otherwise jiggling!


a grand daughter

while (& after) holding he for the 1st time out of hospital

Polly Beth came to this earth,
Polly Beth brought joy and mirth.
Polly Beth came at her birth,
& Polly Beth is much more worth

than creatures which all are known
by their maker who has shown
creativity that's blown
out of sight, because her own

self is daughter of Yahweh,
who just is, & has this day
sent a Polly here our way,
so we sing, & so we say...

(back to first stanza... etc.)

Rejoice in...

Rejoice not in what you can do, 
but in what's been got/done for you.
Rejoicing much in you know WHO!
And even more in WHO knows you!

Chris & Paul

And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. Luke 10:18‭-‬20 KJV

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God – or rather are known by God – how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces ? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? Gal 4:8‭-‬9 NIVUK

But whoever loves God is known by God. 1Co 8:3 NIVUK


thanks for banks of joy- your boy!

Lord, thanks that you
are so full of mercy,
and that you do
hear & answer my prayers.

And Lord, thank you 
for the path you've shown me ..
..your path goes to
more life, from life, on stairs..

.. which stairs, are you,
the gate, the door, & the
the way into
the life the Father shares

with children who
are made to be like he
whose joys renew,
replenish, in his pres-

ence joys aren't few,
but multiply so we
are brought into
(at his right hand) the pleas-

ures which are true
& grow eternally,
so we'll need new
bodies that do repairs,

that don't need food,
or drink, but can receive
immortal fuel
from you, & any-wheres!


Lord thank you that you are full of mercy and you do answer my prayers. Psalm 27:7 (PM Version)

Thank you Lord that you have shown me the right path of life and in your presence I find real joy. At your right hand are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11(PM Version)


what have we got? (faith or wraith)

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us certainty about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 (PM Version)

If faith's a confidence that hope-ens up
the future, so that what will come to pass:
is what one hoped would happen; opens up
more possibilities, & not a farce.

It's not related to a wishful thought,
for there's good reasons in behind that hope,
there's promises from good friends who have brought
a faithfulness along with words they spoke.

There may be planning, money put where mouth
is, life that's spent while waiting for good things,
& never scared of trav'lling north or south,
or east or west, and worKing with "timings".

And when you have such confidence of Good-
ness that can be expanded in friendship,
you see why Faith, & Hope, & Love, are stood
together, as legs on a stool won't tip,

& makes sitting stable if they're all there,
& if they're growing thicker, stronger too.
This kind of faith that grows in gardens where
companion plants of hope & love come through

brings with it a perfume that is delight
(or else a smell of death to some, it seems),
it brings a sense of certainty at night
the scents can tell things better than our dreams.

So not without good evidence is faith,
it takes into account the word of God
& won't prefer the story of a wraith,
it's eyes are opened to the world of God.


Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us certainty about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 (PM Version)


wedding any-verse-ary

Friends away on a wedding aniversary trip....

Oh yes! 
And may he bless 
you two to do

what should 
be done for good
to bloom 'n too,

to mul-
ti-ply not sul-
kil-y die. Who

will take
the bithday cake
for this quite new

like fur-ni-ture
that's come in view

since Jon
& Helen on
their wedding to

each oth-
er helped to shove
a T'wo-man who

is shy,
maybe that's why
it seems aloof,

this new world view,
creature from zoo.

This is
a birthday "kiss"
blown to the Two-

man which
was born in stitch
of time when you

gave up
yourselves to sup-
port others too.


birthday celebrations

The twenty second of July goes by,
and how much good has come to us, Jesus!
- You've given us a taste of good, as would

a person who loved life & strength, at length
who could contain themselves no more; but pour
out excess life and fullness on - who's gone

and yet remains: no thread of friend-ships end;
in-vis-i-ble yet immortal portal,
there's Bevan, Beth, the last of three - Polly,

all Walkers whose births celebrated, dated
around this time yet here sublime do rhyme
for Saturday this twenty-sec-ond (heck!)

day of July has now gone by. We sigh,
and then recall - Katrina, Paul (the small),
Mell said she prayed, Mike & Jo stayed, arrayed

across this day (though lost) we say - Hurray!
for birthday celebrations are "Hurrah!"
hip, hip were joined, & we rejoined, thus coined

celebrations of relations - nations
that may be born, could be forlorn, or shorn
but we are not because we've got this lot!

Polly Walker born 8am 22July2017 to Parents Gilbert & Hannah,Grandparents Paul & Katrina Walker, & Great Grandparents Bevan & Beth Walker, et. al.
Hi Pete, Andy and Paul. Mtg 5pm today if you can make it 😄

Thank you Marty for serving us so well with your reminder.

I noted it, talked about it with Katrina, had already put it in my schedule.

Then had a few things change in my day: an extra trip to Cudal, a friend not come over so we resheduled for tomorrow, some daughters pop in unanounced, and i forgot again untill about 7 or 8pm tonight. Please forgive me again.

I'm working again tonight, training up someone-else so I shouldn't have so many nights working soon...

I'll look through the minutes and try to email you on any things that might help...
Sorry, again. Feel free to ring me any other time I don't turn up, esp. when I said I should be there. Or to sack me.

God help us.


Thanks Paul. We didn't actually have the ... meeting yesterday. I think the Internet was pretty bad here and in the mountains where Pete was. Andy had visitors too. I hope you had a good night at work. I appreciate you and what you do a lot Brother Paul.


 Well, Marty, how amazing is this God!
I'm flat out putting this one into words.
I FEEL a miracle in where we've trod,
- of grace, that turns our "dinosaurs" to "birds".

Not just into crows and carrion-eaters,
but somehow into hummingbird and wren;
I feel like crying "Could it get sweeter?"
I take a look, & when I look again...

I only see "our plans not happening";
O God, I want to chuck my fretting out!
- & learn to trust you in things - "sap-ening"
of energy - what we thought we're about,

& let your graceous good surprises be
enjoyed & welcomed - where they can in truth,
"I love you Lord, help me to join and see,
the way to multiply this grace to youth,

& also to each other, growing still
younger as each passing day goes by"
I feel that Grace, & Truth, & hope I will
become like you, so it will multipy!



"Work Meeting"

@4pm , soon..
the Lord An'son 'O-
tell you wot saloon
2go2 'fyou go..

See U if we do,
miss you if we don't.
Hope this week's seen you
more than on the phone-t'

organize meetings,
jobs, & things to do;
& that your Geetings
& G'b'ye's are true

blessings to each one
you see face to face.
Make us like your son,
oh God, so we trace

his image\likeness
when drawn together,
specially when there's mess,
& there's cool weather!


Without me you can do nothing! John 15:7

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask me anything in my name, that will I do.

John 14:13‭-‬14 RV1885


Lord Jesus you are right, I see again,
& I don't want to live apart from you.
I see that as you lived with Elohim,
your father, you let us live with you too.

For when you called disciples, your "children",
& told them how hard riches (from down here)
made it for folk to get into heaven,
it pulled them up & made them really fear.

For riches seem to help folk to do much
that is considered good stuff to serve God,
but if what you have witnessed to - as such -
is truth, well that's the same way that you trod!

You said you'd not live, apart from "father"
(in what you said, & in your actions too),
I get the sense there's nothing you'd rather
than copy what you saw your father do,

but not alone, as you yourself have said;
you're not alone, for he is always there,
with you, & it is he who is your head,
& in that way, you'll let us come to share

in life with you - we need not live apart,
you gave us your own from-above-ly birth
& thus gave us a chance to live a part
of your amazing life here on this Earth.

Please help us now to understand and trust
your meaning, when you say "ask in my name",
& join in all the joy you surely must
anticipate as Love extends again!


Without me you can do nothing! John 15:7

John 5:19, John 8: 28-29, John 14:10-11

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask me anything in my name, that will I do. John 14:13‭-‬14 RV1885



Mate: pro. gamer... times feels lamer... follows Jesus... he who sees us.

Good news! Dear God, 
we're thanking you for 
this opportune 
time; Mate & golf-balls,

and thinking things through,
at times nearing,
and others "no clue".

Muscle and brain 
working to build up 
their skill (with pain),
mem'ries get filled up.

Learning to learn,
and learning to trust
reason and rhyme
and think as he must

as a good coach
of others who need
patience to broach
lacks of skill and speed..

[sometimes we lack
much speed at learning..
and can grow slack,
then end up spurning

the help that comes,
but we see it not,
sit on our bums
and think it's all rot].

Mate that's good news
that you continue
open to Muse
with all that's in you.

What a trainer
he'll make you to be:
(don't get vainer)
apprenticed to he

who said "Don't fear!
It's me who's with you."
(That's good to hear,
make sure that you do!)


God's Joy/Good-Pleasure

The Joy of the Lord is my strength!! Nehemiah 8:10 (PM Version)

The Joy of Yahweh, 
the Lord of the Earth. 
What is that? - you say.
Well, for what it's worth,

let's look at scripture -
& see what we'll find.
Can you remember,
what comes to your mind?

"At first" then, God would
be saying\seeing
that things were all "good",
till there came wee-ing

& pooing, & stood -
his very children;
then came - "very good".
Both man & woman

made up that ADAM.
It seemed he's very
glad that he had 'em.
And more than that he

was then very sad
when they turned away
from him - their own Dad.
And more on Yahweh -

who joys in 'hes-ed'^:
God's the true Lover -
husband, or parent
- never a "shover".

And when Next Adam
lived true, not "diseased",
God spoke from heaven,
said "I'm very pleased".

Then Luke says that Je-
sus strengthened by this
breath of God (who's pleased),
came out of the mist

and did all his work,
then said that his joy
would come & not shirk
to his "girl or boy"*.

And down the line, John,
a "child"* of Jesus,
said his joy comes on
when his "children" (us?)

walk\live in the light -
that's turned TO their God,
to help that he'll write...
Love's strong joy here trod!

^ 'hesed' or 'chesed' or 'kesed' (חֶסֶד ) is the Hebrew word used [throughout the Bible which Jesus & the early Christians used (the Christian "Old Testament")]  of God's faithful-hopeful-love.

* Jesus speaks of those who obey the will of God as his family (end of Mark 3); and in the context of his disciples\learners with him their Rabbi\teacher, he calls them his "children" (e.g. Mark 10:24-25; John 13:33-35; 14:18 etc) 

PW with help of the helper (whoth).


After posting this, I received a txt with this lovely quote on it:

...so that a friendship, a relationship of love, is once again living - & growing!

( Paul's concept of what this blessing is about... + see also Rom 5:9-11; Rom 8 etc)

Background references...

"... the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." Jn 15:11
"We write this to make (y)our joy complete." 1Jn 1:4
"I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete." 2Jn 1:12
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3John 1:4
(above references associated with John) etc..



The things that are impossible for man are possible with God. Luke 18:27( PM Version)


How wonderful to think: What can't be done
without God stepping in & holding hands,
he might require of his own daughters/sons,
for sharing life WITH US is in his plans.

But more amazing still, to me it seems,
is that God is concerned that we're WITH HIM,
& hopes that we would have imposs'ble dreams
for he desires for us to be not dim,

but glorious and shining like Jesus,
that's after he was raised to life, from death;
for he's a picture of those zombies -us(!),
& is the first fruits of God's living breath.

t.b.c. possibly...

The things that are impossible for man are possible with God. Luke 18:27
( PM Version)


trust adjust

He said: "Trust in The Lord with all your heart,
don't try to work it out all on your own.
Acknowledge Elohim for all his part
whatever you do -your path will be shown."


Trust in The Lord with all your heart, don't try to work out it out on your own. Acknowledge God
in everything you do and He will keep you on the right track. Proverbs 3:5,6 (PM Version)

waiters united!

We wait ON GOD and, we wait FOR the LORD,
his wish our command, his timing's on track -
& more than that, we can hardly afford
to use energy to bring OUR rule back.

OUR rule? - don't want it! Puny, & withered,
a dead-ness haunts it, ruled by the "undead",
it's unprotected, pow'rless, & dithered.
Should be recy-cled, with cyclops-ic head!

The LORD is our pro-tection, life, & strength;
renews them on-go-WING-ly, so we soar
like eagles in the sky; at times, at length,
we'll run and not wea-ry, walk on - and more!


I wait on the LORD, for He is the one that renews my strength. I will soar with wings like eagles. I will run and not grow weary. I will walk and not stumble. Isaiah 40:31(PM Version)


46 years ago... Wayne was born, this I know...

Could Vicki (please) read this out to ya?

Ol' Wayne is over 45!  -  'e sez!
I hardly can believe that it is true.
But learning to love both the girls 'e cares
for, brings a kind of graciousness into

what is other-wise just pain, and heart-ache.
It's quite amazing what Love brings with it,
and even though there are roads that have take-
en their toll, & have led him on a bit,

I think 'is world is op'ning up to love,
& what makes living worth the living for,
as I watch on, I feel a stupid dove,
but still I coo, & smile, & thank the lord

of all who love peace, and are of 'good will',
who follow through that - with their actions too,
& I know Wayne (& Vic, & Breezy) still
wants to pursue that way (just as I do,

- and Pete & Penny, and etcetera,
- there's heaps we find, as we go on that way).
O may Wayne keep on getting better-er,
& too, enjoying what life has today.

That's not to say that bad things won't keep on
coming at 'im - as they did in the past,
it's just that a new strength comes right along
& helps 'im walk away, instead of blast!

A strength that I think's bigger that this life,
the strength of love - more pow'rful than the sea.
This love, in truth, is bigger than our strife;
this love brings on a greater victory!

Happy Birthday Ol' Mate.

Discipleship to Jesus...

I appreciated our time in the Park today listening to God and Jesus, & the helper Jesus & the Father sent, through John 14:15-31; John 21:1-14and the summary statement from Read Scripture, on John's Gospel :

A Picture of discipleship to Jesus -
"His followers will be most effective in the world, when their focus is not on their work as such , but on listening to Jesus' voice, and obeying him when he speaks."

In the wake 
of our take-
in of John,

I will make

& these, thought
through, have brought
new vision

to me now,
so somehow
before gone,

I pass to 
some of you
this po-om:


So, listening to the voice of Jesus Christ,
& letting him be who instructions give;
his spirit, helper, (once he'd sacrificed
his sep'rate will : to maintain & to live),

will now help a human to have spirit,
& attitude, that mimics Yeshua's
personifying purpose (- you hear it?)
which calls with voices, seven times* the stars

& yet with one voice - sept*-a-phonic'ly,
that's clear & strong with current of a tide,
that's pulled as Moon pulls on the Earth, its sea,
clear as a full-moon, as a rainbow wide,

& speaks into the heart of you and me
(but maybe still through ears - & eyes that see,
& definitely to hearts that truth makes free),
to be a sign of love, that is lovely.

So though I do not see or understand, 
the logic of the moves he calls me to,
when I know it is him, I'll not demand
much more than that I follow those moves through.

A quite queer thing is that his poetry
is not a forcing, more a lilt and woo;
though heaven & earth's "all authority",
is to be given by God (him unto!),

he doesn't make a deal of that when he
tells his disciples to throw out their nets,
& when they do it (reminiscently?),
they're more effective, known. "Lest we forgets!"

*seven times and sept (the prefix for seven) standing for fullness or completeness in the apocalyptic writings, as in the "seven-fold spirit of God" or "the seven spirits of God" (Rev 1:4-5, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6) - think Elisha who asked for three-fold of the spirit that was in Elijah, & Jesus who had received (&/or could give) "the Spirit - without measure"(John 3:34), as the NEXT one after the "Elijah" who was John the Washer(Baptist).

God's wisdom love, and power

When I think of the greatness of Gods plan for us I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that out of the glorious richness of His resources, He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into Gods love and will keep you strong.
May you have the power to understand and comprehend,(with all believers), how wide and how high and how deep His love is. May you reach out and experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:14-19 (PM Version)

 Amen, and amen!
- which means "Ah-ha, yes!"
God's word to us men,
Christ is God's great mess-

-age to ages of 
dead hu-man-it-y,
but we are so pov-
-erty stick-en, see:

to undermine love
we make up meanings
(that God wants to shove)
our special gleanings:

that God's "yes" means "no",
and Chist wants to blame!
Wherever we go,
he's always the same.

Strange lot of "un-dead"
who don't really grow,
except quite wounded,
and cynical, though.

Oh that your wisdom
and, love would grow rife,
oh God, our "system"
dain't really grow life.

We need your spirit
to blow fresh breath in
these lungs, we'll bear it
- with it's death to sin.

Amen, and amen!
Thank you for coming.
Please do come again
in me you're humming!


stymie timey ; squaller-tea quality ? (Part 1 of ?)

The 'timing' and the 'quality' is much,
with food & sleep, with exercise & sex.
Do you agree with me? - or think, as such,
I've overstated things in this index?

Well, now I've asked the question of myself,
I think the list is bigger than those four,
it burgeons out, & I could add a wealth
of other jobs -some are affected more!

In fact I'll put the question t'other way:
Can you think of a job we do on earth
where timing & the quality don't "play...
amazing parts" in what the outcome's worth?


a mate goes straight.. asks to relate..

That's good news. God please help us see how to
help out this fellow to grow more like God.
Produce a group who will be more like you,
to help him tread the path that Jesus trod.


re: 'lations

Txt2friend:  mtg on  Thurs
Txt2PW:      Think I'll be away visiting relatives


Hmm. Go well brother.
God help him listen,
& not to smother
but honour glisten-

ing truth, and love's grace
so when they all meet,
& see t'other's face,
your joy will complete.

Make him a blessing
to all his 'lations.
Keep them aguessing..
joying elations,

to honour what's good,
disparage what's not,
just as Jesus stood
with brothers and what...

missing their false praise,
not playing to pomp,
yet trav'lling when raised
to James to show somp-

thing of that grace which
honours relations,
greetings (like friends' kiss,
G-grandfather's stations),

looks after his Mum,
makes fam'ly of John,
not jealous as some
get, putting love on!


wean off "seen"/See will mean ... so much more ... as metaphore.

'e said 'e fixed 'is eyes not on what's seen,
but on, instead, what's UNseen - through 'is life.
It makes me wonder what on earth 'e'd mean.
Yet as I think about it options, rife,

come running into mind from all sides. Wow!
At first just one, but then there's two or three.
I'll pick one out, & give it to you now.
And you can join me in this reverie...

* Well, if you look at a faint star that's there,
you can't see it until you look away -
at something (or at nothing) anywhere
a bit close to it; then, all I can say..

..is in peripheral vision it is "seen".
I know some things are like this, elusive.
But norm'ly they are faint, catch what I mean?
The message here would be: life's like a sieve

where what goes through is not the stuff you want
(or else the other way around - might be);
you want the one not just then focused on..
ta be the one that finally will be seen.

But here's another option (and there's more):
* He doesn't mean "fixed" with the EYE at all,
what's "fixed on with the eye" is metaphore
for what my life is focused on for sure.

Thus saying, if you focus on what's seen
those things are temporary at the best,
the world unseen to us now, presently
will last much longer than all of the rest.

For unseen things like culture, love & hate,
& fam'lies, friendship & security,
& social structures, though they may seem late-
ly come, affect much more, as you may see...

And that's before you learn from what 'e knew,
about a person who made all this world,
who made us, & who loves as parents do,
expecting that his flag will be unfurled

more after this ol' womb-world is finished,
& bodies "indestructible" are born,
relationships are key, undiminished
they will affect things more! So now be warned.


So we fix our eyes not on what we can see but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (PM Version)


Still, Know, will show, him go! (part 2)

And know that good imaginations come
from God the image maker "Excell-ont!";
Then we can act with him to make them "Done!"
-as Christ worked with his God to bring it on

to here - this place on earth (as in heaven -
where my ideals seem shallow, his run deep -
but also higher than our unleavened
thinking, for his keeps growing in our sleep)

Through Christ, who strengthens me, I imagine
& learn to think his thoughts, hope for his face,
& trust enough to move on, engage in
the next step, so I wait, speak, name & place..

and act in small (or big) ways - as his son
(an embryo, dependant on his mum)
God plans for us to grow up like that One
for good and not disaster, hope to come!

And so I wait on him, for God renews
my strength, through rest, imagined futures all..
all good gifts that extend our future views.
I'll soar on wings, I'll run and then I'll walk...

if needs be, walk on water, as did Christ -
that's travelling on with God, who never rests
except to build community that's spiced
with his grace, peace, truth, love, & joy in tests!

And may you strengthened also be today,
with boundless God's resources, so you'll, boy,
be able to pass through all sit-u-a-
tions and endure it with courage and joy.


I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (PM Version)

I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (PM Version)

I wait on the LORD, for He is the one that renews my strength. I will soar with wings like eagles. I will run and not grow weary. I will walk and not stumble.
Isaiah 40:31(PM Version)

May you be strengthened today with God's boundless resources, so that you will be able to pass through any situation and endure it with courage and joy. Colossians 1:11 (PM Version)


Still, Know, will show, him go! (part 1)

BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!!  Psalm 46:10 (PM Version)
Let us hold onto the hope we have, knowing that God is faithful. Let us keep encouraging and cheering each other on in love and helping each other where ever possible.  Hebrews 10:23-24 (PM Version)

He said "BE STILL- (that's let your hands hang limp
with nothing left to do but look and see)
AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!! - not just a gimp,
& understand that you can trust in me."

Somehow when I am moving, doing stuff,
I then forget reality around
about me in the world that may be tough,
but can't be seen - and such things do abound!

But when I make me still and just observe
I somehow make room for myself to think,
& see things in a way that will more serve
reality, - as when I eat and drink,

and thus grow stronger and more able to
exert, and act, & do things in this place,
& also my "still" times are letting you
act in a way that won't bring me disgrace.

This lets me listen to your word to me
& lets it put down roots and grow up hope,
as grows a garden plot from some small seed
when planted, cultivated, helped to cope..

from living hope a living future's grown,
but if it can't hold on then you're just soil
(or dust, that hangs around or else is blown).
So let that true & faithful God en-boil

our mind/imaginations for futures
that sparkle with his love & light & grace.
Let's keep encouraging/ cheering others
to Love, & bring God's Good more to this place!


the tree/path/joy of life...

Thank you Lord, you will show me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of joy and at your right hand there is pleasures for ever more. (Psalm 16:11 PM Version)

Aa-men! and again.
How good is it that
this "path of life", when
we walk it, 'snot flat -

just two dimentions,
-not fist-fulls of Rules,
Juries, Detentions..
it calls to us fools

as lady Wisdom,
it's also God's pow'r
his Way, & Kingdom,
his Truth, Life, and now

we begin to see
a face in this lot,
we know it is he
who told them "Fear not!"

You not only "show"
me the path of Life,
you're our Way to go,
in the midst of strife

yet with great pleasure
(your Joy is a Door),
wonderful treasure,
and more that's in store..

like a good marriage
(no room for a whore)
sex ain't disparaged,
real love grows it more. 


blessing for family & friends

O God I now pray,
be open to you,
& secretly pact
as Jesus would do,

for all who some way
are with me from you,
as Jesus has backed
your pow'r to make new:

Protect & keep safe,
grow stong & make true,
that in their react-
ions, and their plans too:

in all that they say,
& think, & then do,
they will be in fact
reflections of you.

Please make them today
a blessing from you,
that they would enact
what's good, right, & true.


eighty of latey

Ol' Dad & Mum,
eighty years young
don't sit back stung
on piles of dung
but as you're gung-

ho keep on still
(I know you will)
keep foll'wing till
his grace has killed
all our self-will

and brings his peace
that will not cease
yet brings release
which will increase
e'en through disease.
