
Strength & heart


My lovely lady sent me this the other day, from the Judao-Christian scriptures: 

“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (‭Psalm 84:5 NIVUK‬)

I understand the “you” is not a prophet, a priest or a king, but the creative love that IS, and made & sustains all the “Universe” (which in their conception was not a flat one dimensional or “Uni” verse at all, , as some of us moderns seem to see it, but the heavens (seen as primal, principle and principal), & the earth (seen as a kind of stage, where these principles, and principalities were manifest or expressed, played out). Maybe like a king’s court room, with courtiers; and his country.

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (‭Psalm 84:5 NIVUK‬)

I know this for myself, they speak the truth 

who say that those are blest - all those whose strength

derives from, and is in, and also through

the source of all that lives, and is, at length.

It then addresses hearts, & where they’re set.

The heart denotes the love of your treasure;

and what that is we might not quite know yet

but it in turn affects the love’s own measure.

The kind of flame that burns on diff’rent stuff

has different colours, heats, and wind effects.

Some things can burn much longer, they’re enough.

While others don’t much burn, but are magnets.

And love of heart’s a way of moving too.

A way, a path, though steep, that’s going up

into the “New Jerusalem” where you

open your court for ruling out of love.

My life is not some status quo, but is

a walk that’s daily with creative love,

a pilgrimage through this world into his.

This portal metaphors to what’s above.

There’s something in a pilgrims life that’s fun 

it sees the good around, but it’s not caught

up in it, though might stay & help someone 

along the way Some battles may be fought

at least within the self, some must be won,

against the pull of comfort of “my house.”

And there’s the chance to still enjoy the fun -

creative love’s own pleasures are more grouse!

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalms 16:11 NIVUK‬)

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