
Clean up time!


You get to feel quite eurk after no showers for a few days. A walk in a river one of these days was beautiful. And I've taken to having a bird bath before hitting the sack at night. Or a soap down, then wipe off. It's strange how the physical can give insight to a deeper reality, and the other way around sometimes too. This is kind of in the relationship world with respect to people and creative love itself, whom I here call "Lord".

Well thanks for your persisting with me Lord,

I feel quite pooey, yucky, somehow wrong.

I guess that’s where your wash cloth has ensured

a clean up isn’t hard for you, then song..

can come again at night, with “goos and gars” 

of gratefulness that’s glad to be alive.

Your washcloth, sometimes shocks me when it pass-

es over skin to clean it, make it thrive.

Its colder than I thought, or else it's warm,

or sting-y, or just diff’rent in some way.

It’s like you know what’s needed for each storm

of vomiting, or pooing, or a spray

of other stuff I found or just made up

within my body, or outside of it.

There’s nothing seems to daunt you, make you clup

your hand over your mouth, or cry or spit 

at me, or just the world. You’ve got it cov-

er’d! and sometimes you let me finish up

before you pick me up to clean & smoth-

er lotions on me, fully fix me up!

In that old order, as their cultures saw,

the blood of death made things truly unclean!

The blood of the death of the Christ did more,

if freely given, it both healed and cleaned!

Sometimes a drop of that blood does the trick,

sometimes to get in hot water,

sometimes the cold, stops me being sick,

a shower, or hose, long or shorter.


‭Psalms 8:1-2 GNBUK‬

[1] O LORD, our Lord, your greatness is seen in all the world! Your praise reaches up to the heavens; [2]  it is sung by children and babies. You are safe and secure from all your enemies; you stop anyone who opposes you.

Four other washings mentioned in the New Testament of scripture..

Washing (baptism) body in water as sins were spoken out loud, as ritual symbol of inner true cleansing from sins. (As performed by John the Washer)

Washing (baptism) whole being (spirit, soul, & body) in the spirit of God, as visual, oral, aural, physical, personal(?) symbol of inner true (cleansing from sins and) consecration to the work and word and intercession & new creation of God in Christ.

Washing (baptism) in water, in the name of the Father, Son of & holy Spirit, with both a confession (& sending away) of sin, and an acknowledging of Jesus as both Christ and Lord. A washing away of the whole old life and it's motivations and principles, giving up personal agendas and giving allegiance to the Lord, Jesus the Christ of God.

Washing (baptism) in  suffering / crucifixion. (Mark 10; 1Peter 4:1-2)


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