
“moving forward in their sleep…”

Well, here we are in Roma’s coffee shop

the day after we’ve had a restful day.

We’ve got some jobs to do, then we’ll just “blob”

in library, for some writing; learn to pray

[along with my community back home

about the means & ways that we can mesh

in with creative love, as his seed’s sown

about his world (he asked us to join spesh’

ly since he knows his children love to see

the fam’ly grow, they celebrate each one

that has a chance of full humanity…

{they can’t miss out if they’re his daughter/ son,

and then they choose to stay in learning mode

both curious, and watchful as a dog,

& with a loyal love, in his abode,

with his protection, providence, his “sprog”

with his own nature, growing here on earth,

with genes he gave us to grow up like Christ-

who is the model human since his birth,

fulfilling, all his father’s hopes sufficed.})]

“Well pleased”, he said and “dearly loved” as well,

that word from God himself, from sky to Earth,

was what the reptile mind-set tried to tell

him by insinuation, wasn’t worth-

while, that’s unless he’s true to what he heard

& knew now in his own heart whispered words

the spirit sung and cooed, just like a bird.

His followers he called his “friends”, not “herds”.

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