
Look & see, was said to me...

response to the gifts of the sun, and the shade, and the breeze and the trees, then the land &, …  even bodies…

This is a good time now to look and see

what things are good in this old world ‘round me 

and somehow then respond, acknowledge we 

walk in a country unbelievably 

well, beautiful, abounding in all things.

Each human who's a steward gladly sings 

the praises of its bounty and its lore,

and new songs with the ones that came before.

In languages diverse we lift our voice 

and then we make a song that is our choice 

to be the country’s gods, who for it speak

of goodness that is seen, though sometimes weak..

But saddest thing of all is what’s in us

and sometimes what is not, with not much fuss 

we have these gaping holes where loyal love 

has shrunk away, with no source from above 

to keep in-filling, so like Cheese of Swiss

we are quite holey, but in ways amiss

for humans made to take good care, & tend

the land, and living things, and help to mend

from damage that is taken, & distress

that comes it's way, & leaves it in a mess.

We were to be the helping guiding ones,

to manifest Biame. Daughters, sons.

So to creative love whose influence

I’ve seen around about, at times intense,

I now lift up this self, and where it spends 

it's time and focus. Now I'm who it sends….

(Road-side Audio Recording)

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