
www. thE.brEakE/ fast

There's something broken inside me, I see:

I've claimed the right, quite arbitrarilly

- the right to have who might be over me

(responsibly, or in authority),

to be appropriate, to fit the task.

Now I don't doubt it's right for them to be

like that, to model fairness, live justly,

when they receive, to do so gratefully.

But why should I get such? That's what I ask.

The stories of this world - all history

is full of tyrants, selfish in their glee

to get their own desires, powers that be

able to be wielded, and to mask

and cover up their face, identity

is somehow covered up, so they can't be

well traced, and have to face the music, we

know that's the common lot of those who bask

within the race of us, humanity.

This biting of the bullet cynic'ly,

is what I didn't want to do, to free

more demons to the body in the cask.

These "models" (as advertisements we see),

say our desires are sacred and must be

just met, if we're to get well, clean and free.

And in this way they cover up the farse.

C-cover nuver lie from gods like thē

Acceptance god (loves power, things, money),

- shrinks love to greed, insatiability.

So now it's clear, I'm changing worlds. And fast!

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