
c temp le tation

 After https://appallinglife.blogspot.com/2021/09/b-temp-le-t.html

c templetation

Mark chapters 11-13..

So TempleOne is made to make a splash 

& catch attention from around the place.

The other might be missed, it aims to  catch

the eye of One who sees all secret space.

For TempleTwo (quite like Sudoku games),

will trust some certain axioms and move

ahead in ways opaque to folk who claim

some myst-er-y to keep folk in their groove;

or else who won't accept the Holy Word,

mysterious, out-giving life, hesêd.

For TempleOne folk give what they afford,

and feel they now have less, but they can get

by - they have ingenuity, you see.

But TempleTwo folk know they can not give

enough to even up some scales that be

in minds of folk who think that's how to  live.

So T.Two folk will give, though small, their all,

but secretly, for that's the way they see

the Presence giving to them, they're enthralled

to trust the Universal Presence we

know little of. They have themselves been borne

from universal dust as heirs of God,

not nuisances, with bad habits they mourne,

but embryonic persons, love begot.

Yeshua said his temple would display,

not hide, the word of God within its stones,

but if you watch you'll c around today

his spirit's life and fruit, which still atones.

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