
b temp le t

 After https://appallinglife.blogspot.com/2021/08/a-temp-le-t-ation.html 

b templet

Mark chapters 11-13..

Two opposites in temple worship state

and came to be, soon after time was framed

they both acknowledge that its designate:

"The house of God" is central to what's claimed:

The one, i'll call "the first", employs big stones,

and architecture to enhance the awe,

it emphasises pow-er, and atones 

for wrong-doing and says that's what it's for.

The other, based on hesed (loyal love)

gives of its best, and listens carefully.

It copies what it sees done from above,

and learns from God's own heart du-ti-ful-ly.

It's like the genie, who would hear a wish,

take that as its command, and do it straight-

away, no matter what, it tries to fish

for motives, and it always celebrates!

This one could be quite small, but it's alive,

and as a tiny seed grows to a tree,

it can then be a home, where folk survive,

producing fruit, and shade  and shelter, see.

The first one can be built in 40 years,

and lasts for cent'ries, if it's not pulled down.

The second one takes lifetimes, and sheds tears,

and rare-ly stays in one place, it moves round-

abouts where all God's children are these days,

and even if they moved to spots that stunk,

it moved with them, not in a static  "place",

it takes up space, and still gets rid of junk.

followed by: https://appallinglife.blogspot.com/2021/09/c-temp-le-tation.html

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