
purr puss

Imagine if my purpose was implied 

by what and who I am, and what I do.

Unworded, if it just was there un-spied,

but purposing each thing I say to you.

A purpose, or a reason so to be, 

do not appear to those who look - at first.

When first you see a critter, you just "see",

them there. Be that for better, or for worse.

'Til after knowing them a bit, you'll be

some wiser, and you might - from what you've learned,

then re-alize that hidden mystery,

involving motives (and the things they've spearned)

so that they're there- and what they'll likely do!

We find our purpose by what helps us most

to come alive and thrive, to be a true -

true person, man or woman, not just ghost,

but partner in the serving of a world,

of people, living creatures, forces, stuff.

The reason we are here is likely curled

within OUR story. Our genes ain't enough,

but, they're a start, and then along with care,

and op-port-un-it-ies for "hand in glove"

the carriers of culture take their share,

and altogether build each other up.

So ecosystem word, but each one too,

must carry what they can, and join the purr,

and pose the question "What good thing to do?" -

our lives show what our answers might be worth.

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