
Lust is any human desire let off its chain

".. the inevitable disintegration that lust produces in the world." 2 Peter 1:4

So let's just say that lust is not desire

per se; but also, that's all that it ayes.

In other words that lust is not like fire,

but wild-fire, which is dangerous always.

The knowing just how dangerous is fire,

is necessary, so to use it well.

We must not think it evil (nor desire),

but keep it in the places it should dwell.

For if it gets away, and so it "tries"

(by just the way it works it always will),

it will destroy most houses by and by,

and grasslands, bushland, often also build-

ings, for the softness of our human nests,

for comfort of our little baby chicks

is often just the stuff that will burn best,

so, we must always leash our fire on wicks

or keep it locked within its fire-place.

For then the fire itself is a good gift,

a way to serve our kids, but also space,

in fact all life on earth gets all it's lift

and energy from "fi-re" kept at bay.

And solar panels in each house (and tree)

employ the energy they gain this way.

This way it's always been; acknowledge we!

We won't let fire go wild, we'll keep it well,

which means we will not fear it, yet we must

(though fear "itself" can push us into hell).

All life comes from our choosing  love and trust.

It's not the fact of a flame, not the heat of a flame that is a problem, but whether it is boundaried safely is the issue. e.g. A gas oven, or fireplace can feed and keep a family warm in sleety weather. 

In the same way, it's not the fact of a human desire, not the kind of desire, nor the strength of a desire that is a problem but whether this person in whom it resides, has at this time in their life, a safely bounded place for it, or method of leashing it.

The destructiveness of any human desire comes from letting it rule over us. From the human not ruling it, and giving it its boundaries. Then it will end up ruling us, & giving us our boundaries, instead of getting them straight from the Creator God. The word of this God is to us our food and drink.

God spelled this out to the first SON OF ADAM (Cain), "Sin is (like an animal, that humanity was meant to rule over) crouching at the door, it desires to have you, but you must (& with my help, you can) master it".  (GEN 4)

Jesus had strong desires, he says to his disciples.. "with desire I have desired to eat this passover  with you." He acknowledged his desires & he ruled them, underneath what ruled him - the word of God.

In fact, the human dilemna is entered into as we let our lives be ruled by our desires, like an animal, that normally is simply a ballancing of bodily and "genetically & socially programmed" desires. GOD made us to have, but appropriately rule over our desires. In fact the psalms say: "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."  Psalm 37:3‭-‬4 NIVUK 

Extra reading: Prov 27:20, Hab 2:4; Ps 56:11 ; 1 Thess 4:1-8 ; 1 Peter 5:2; James 1:14; 

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