
a state of be-ing is & will be-com-ing..

Some sensate thoughts and insights there. I feel glad that you can intuit these things and express them. They echo so much of the Spirit, Soul, Body frame that has become meaningful to me and receiving God's Spirit as the Presence in my life is an added dimension for me to quietly meditate upon!.

much love in His Presence. A Friend. ... "He is not far from everyone of us" Acts 17:27

Yes, for,

"it is in him, (in his presence)

that we (really) live,

and move,

and have our being"*

Yes, help us please, oh God of gods & men,

that we might please you who makes all things new.

For you are not "grown up" as often meant -

a static spot, a state, as solids do

"inhabit" - till they change their state to gas,

or liquid in between (all metaphors).

You keep on moving, flowing, which alas

is disconcerting for our major flaws

which are somehow to be ourselves the gods

in charge, to make worlds be, as we ourselves

are now. But then we miss what we have got

somehow, because of fe-ars and bad healths..

We miss that we ourselves are still in growth,

developing is what we are in fact.

The oldest one of us has lost their troth

with truth, if we think "We've arrived" - or act

like that. And in Ezek’yel's visions he

saw living creatures melded, not just one,

with mechanisms turning twisting-ly

and moving up and down, like Earth and Sun

and all the planets, spinning in their course.

As we might think "electrons spinning round",

Or river that looks stationary because

it keeps to bound-ar-ies, but they are found

by looking where the water stops, or starts,

upon the ground, and even when it's still

it's moving right along. And then our hearts

start beating quicker, maybe always will,

perceiving the adventure that's in store

if we would cross this water-way ourselves,

we might land on another kind of shore.

Your states can change and move, as most can tell.

*  According to the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, from the opening invocation to Zeus of the poem, Phaenomena, by Aratus, (flourished c. 315–c. 245 BC, Macedonia), Greek poet of Soli in Cilicia (site accessed 2021 Sept 08 at 10:35am), and then

quoted back to the Athenian philosophers, by Paul, an early emissary of Jesus (called the Messiah).

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