
Left His Mark Upon the World


Extra verses of poetry to go along with Mark 1 (maybe after poetry verse 5, or after ch 10.. before Bartimaeus? OR at the very END, of ch 16, i.e. instead of 16:9)

He rules not like the Rulers of this Earth,

not after fame or notoriety

(he never speaks of stuff around his birth,

- except what LOSES popularity)!

His RULE is never "top-down" or "imposed"

from outside, on those underneath his rule,

and in this WAY, it's not a RULE like those 

who came before, or after. He's "A fool!

- according to the Nietzsche's of this world,

to whom the POWER to MAKE, makes SUPERMAN!

Love's WAY has creativity en-curled

within, to bring new life. And it began!

Its leader leads by invitation though,

and never by the force-of-arms on folk,

he'd lead those who in suff'ring here below

will prove that Resurrected Life's no joke!

For them the fear of Death, has lost its sting,

and those who would so willingly get born

into their 3rd - new body… here's the thing…

would side with his own faithful love each morn.

The "Adam" of this new Real Human race,

the first of many coming to God's Earth,

within a generation will outpace 

the mortal versions, seen for what they're worth..

a lot, as embryos, who could grow. Not

themselves,.. they're more a nuisance, better gone..

if they can't trust who gave us all we've got..

a toilet flush, and we'll be moving on..

For all the new selves come to walk with God

within his Earth, this garden, temple, home,

will no more choose to USE as a despot,

but serve, to help develop, as a SHOM-

ER*, steward, or a keeper, under one;

Ambasador, who represents a king 

and country they are citizens there from

(and mostly born to it through suffering).

This RESURRECTION, can seem like a child's 

naivete that's sees this world as heav-

-y with bright hope and mystery, and wild

stuff, full of awe; on Earth, as it's in Heav-


* SHOMER, for the BIG job humanity was made for, the work of ruling, like God rules ( out of a fulness that NEEDS NOTHING, HAS AN ABUNDANCE, and that "rules" in order to serve. It was the job of Adam in the Garden that God planted in Eden, when he was put there to 'tend and care for it". A steward, or gardener for another. It appears to me that it may well be related to the words SHOMA, the Hebrew word () report, news, rumour, fame & related to the word SHEMA [to actually listen to (and act on) another's words].

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