
Matthew 7 C) the way things work in a world founded on relationship...

So once you think of people more than things,
the deepest and the loveliest of gifts
is “something” like a spouse, or child, who sings
for joy, or gladly/sadly, thus to lift

some one or share their sorrow which  must be.
And “Asking” is the way to boldly live
in real relationships where folk are free
and you are open - then love wants to give.

But you might have to Seek to find the gold,
and learn to know the nature of what's sought,
to know the kinds of places, or be told
by others who know more, or who have brought

such presents, as in games of “hide and seek”,
or Easter eggs all hidden round the place.
For when you know your father's love, and peak
because you trust his love, and will not trace

your fears further on, more than his care,
Yeshua says that you will have that “shock”,
delight of one who looks, then finds somewhere.
But he goes further yet, and says to Knock

(not just to Knock things over, in a rush)
and then the door, he says, will opened be
(by one you may not see, who may be hushed)
for you. For he acts more than you can see.

He has our kind of fam'ly in his mind,
& says persistent Asking “brings on”  things.
And Seekers will discover as they find.
Who Knocks, instead of barging 's given wings!

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