
Learning to love - in practice...

"So try this during May, the coming month."
She intimated. God, please help me learn
to love with actions in this world, where none
that truly are, can be, unless they turn

potential into act-u-al-it-ies.
These have a pow-er more than just what might
can do, or what might be, for if it freeze-
es, it can stop, but only what's in sight...

Sure, might might make quite scared and then to fear
in servile fashion, seeking for one'self
to minimise the suffering and tears
& then to choose one's way to "pow'r and wealth".

Well, weirdly "pow-er to coerce and make"
some people to do what we'd like them to,
instead of making world's, manipulate-
ing matter to serve people, so like you

they have real choice, (connected to the vine)
they really can produce the kind of fruit,
that smells and tastes like vintage, real good wine.
Direction then empow'rment makes life beaut.

This pow'r without the training to raise up
the heart, & soul, & mind and strength of love,
is dynamite, compared to what erupts
volcanoes, supernovas up above.

So God, thank you, for lavishing your love
on us, on me, before I knew the fact,
And help me dare reflect your zun above
as he sent out your light, each word, each act!

I might need to spend a couple of days on each one?!

For more of the Love Dare, see this link.

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