
Humans, Her and His story...

I’d like to remind you of the beginning of our story:

“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”    
So,  the scriptures say then that:
God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”   Gen 1:26-29 (NIV)


In the beginning, after making plants
and animals, good God decided thus:
“Let us now make our images! Perchance
a house, or dynasty, that rules like us..

…that's over every, and all live creatures
that move about our world, the whole bang lot.
So God then makes the humans from humus,
together, male & female do the shot

of making up “Ad-arm”, the spit of ’im-
-age old God, they though were brand  spanking new,
and had his imprint on them, bright, not dim!
The plan was that if creatures wanted to

see what this “spirit” God (invisible
to mortal eyes) was like; they’d look at this
Humanity, One, “indivisible”
To see them, was to see him - oh what bliss!
Together male and female (with offspring),
were in God's mind - an image of The One.
God wanted them to be at one with him,
and too, be one together - oh what fun!

The Heavens and the Earth were to be One,
the “tabernacles” were where they'd unite.
What could not be straight looked at, like the sun;
could energize, and then enable sight.
This God invites the Adam & the Eve
to be a partner with him bringing in
a world of beauty, flourishing, to weave
with him, extend from where the garden's been.

They were to care for his world as his reps,
his representatives on earth, to rule
as he would, on his own behalf, he kept
somehow not seeing them as just some fools.


He wanted them to learn wisdom from him,
not working it all out, just on their own,
but when temptation came from under them,
they broke their partnership - were left alone.

A creature which God meant for them to rule
so tempted them to not look up to God,
as source of all their wisdom, they were fools
who listened while God's creature gave “the nod”.

So tragically, they fall. Temptation wins.
They will create not as a part-ner with
this God, but quite apart from him who spins
the web of life, they bring on that "death myth".


And to this tragic scene, a ray of hope
breaks though, when God done curses that old snake;
a human will be born who'll really cope
by looking up to God - live for his sake!

“I will cause hostility 
between you and the woman, and 
between your offspring and her offspring.
He will crush your head, and
you will strike his heel.”

This human in the striking of snake’s head
will be himself struck on the heel by snake.
It looks like poison will still make him “dead”,
but God’s wisdom can make the dead awake!

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