
..convinced or convicted..

So we're convinced what happens here to us,
and in us too, along with all  the growth
of God's own nature that's come INto us,
a cunning weaving OF love and truth, both,

is now occurring, AND we see glimpses.
This God is raising children, and training
them AS creatives, ruling as princes
(right over his creation) then reigning

in HIS style, loving, freeing it all up,
and bringing good; imagining, speaKING,
and getting then involved, sometimes erupt-
ing, THEN seeing, & appreciating…

etcetera. So don't give up, or be
impatient. Be entwined as one with God.
Be brave, courageous, let hope’s planted seeds
enable you to wait, when hope seems gone.

I pray your heart is flooded with his light
so you can understand the confidence
that he has given us, the riches right
before our noses, His inheritance.

I also pray that you’ll contin-u-’lly
experience great God's power (A to Zed)
available to us. The same mighty
empow’ring that raised Christ up from the dead.

Whatever could then separate us yet
from Love of endless Christ? Nothing at all!
Can troubles, persecutions, threats (of  death)?
Well nothing is so big, or even small!

..........       ..........       ..........

So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives. For we are His People who have been called to fulfil His designed purpose. Romans 8:28 (PM Version)

Don't give up, don't be impatient, be entwined as one with The Lord.
Be brave and courageous and never lose hope.
Yes, keep on waiting- for he will never disappoint you! Psalm 27:14 (PM Version)

(In 2018) I pray that your heart will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to us, the the riches of His glorious inheritance.
              I also pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God's power that he has made available to us. The same mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead.
Ephesians 1: 18-19 (PM Version)

What could ever separate us from the endless Love of Christ? Nothing in the universe has the power to separate us from Christ's Love!!
Can troubles and distress, persecution, or hunger, or being destitute, or threatened with death? No nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ!!
Romans 8:35 (PM Version)

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