The Lord's my rock, the one I walk upon,
my ground of being, where I can exist,
my world, the one whose dream I live within,
my strength, my conqueror, not to be dismissed.
The Lord is my rock, and my strength, and my saviour. 2 Samuel 22:2 (PM Version)
Yeshua's "commandment"
So since the God who spoke to Abraham
(& who confirmed his covenant again
with Isaac, and with Isra'el and fanned
it more with Moses and all those there when
he ratified that cov'nant, & appeared
straight to a motley group of descendants
and bound himself to bless (and curse) who feared,
(or just ignored this God), and payed the rent.
So, he's the God who acts, and brings about
all worlds, and all their populations too.
He kept his word, and even though a "lout"
(he won't do all the things he's told to do),
if he is on my side, like he's "with" us,
I'll not be led by fear, if he is near,
I'm strong, and also very courageous.
I'll keep repeating God's Word - so it's here!
And I will meditate both day and night
on what he said, imaginations grow
'til all done; and enacted as is right.
Yeshua's God's image-in-nations, so! ...
'I am strong and very courageous. I have no room for fear. I keep God's Word always on my lips; I meditate on it day and night and I am careful to do everything written in it. Then, I am prosperous and successful! My God is truly with me wherever I go...'. Yeshua 1:7-9 (CR Version)
(& who confirmed his covenant again
with Isaac, and with Isra'el and fanned
it more with Moses and all those there when
he ratified that cov'nant, & appeared
straight to a motley group of descendants
and bound himself to bless (and curse) who feared,
(or just ignored this God), and payed the rent.
So, he's the God who acts, and brings about
all worlds, and all their populations too.
He kept his word, and even though a "lout"
(he won't do all the things he's told to do),
if he is on my side, like he's "with" us,
I'll not be led by fear, if he is near,
I'm strong, and also very courageous.
I'll keep repeating God's Word - so it's here!
And I will meditate both day and night
on what he said, imaginations grow
'til all done; and enacted as is right.
Yeshua's God's image-in-nations, so! ...
'I am strong and very courageous. I have no room for fear. I keep God's Word always on my lips; I meditate on it day and night and I am careful to do everything written in it. Then, I am prosperous and successful! My God is truly with me wherever I go...'. Yeshua 1:7-9 (CR Version)
an enemy exists...
Our enemy’s a thief, his hope and will:
to steal, kill and destroy, to win like fire,
by conquest and devouring so to fill
his never-ending hunger and desire.
Our enemy makes people do as he
would wish, to fill his appetite and void.
Our God makes people to be fully free,
so he sent Jesus to help us avoid
the empty way of life passed down the line,
he came to give us riches that were his,
abundant, satisfying life sublime,
with love and joy that fills us up, and is
beyond the kind of life that slavery gives,
it almost doesn't matter what the law
says, for when someone knows God's love and lives
in love, then we find what this God is ”for”,
and also what he sets himself “against”.
He loves his children, each daughter & son,
his aim is not to see his children fenced,
but see them free, to this end he’s begun(!)
-by sending our big brother to this Earth
& helping us to want to be like him,
by seeing how he lived, and grew from birth,
and never let that fire of love grow dim.
And spent his life in service, ‘coz of love
& showed us how to die, and wash away
that self-willed life that won't tune in above.
Oh God I want to follow him today!
The enemy is a thief, his purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.
Jesus' purpose is to give us a rich and satisfying abundant life John 10:10. (PM Version)
Jesus' purpose is to give us a rich and satisfying abundant life John 10:10. (PM Version)
We are no longer living like slaves under the law, but we enjoy being Gods very own sons and daughters!
And because we are His children we can access everything our Father has through Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:7 (PM Version)
And because we are His children we can access everything our Father has through Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:7 (PM Version)
Loving, appreciating, thinking, leads on to ..
Brothers and sisters fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 (PM Version)
Followers of Christ Jesus
fix your thoughts on things above
what is true, right, and pleases,
what's pure, hon'rable, of love,
admirable, & then worth-while,
think about the ex'lent things -
in a way that's in God's style,
worthy of his praise; what brings
more of gladness and goodness -
courage to good people's hearts,
gratefullness, & "I could"-ness..
God will finish what he starts!
Followers of Christ Jesus
fix your thoughts on things above
what is true, right, and pleases,
what's pure, hon'rable, of love,
admirable, & then worth-while,
think about the ex'lent things -
in a way that's in God's style,
worthy of his praise; what brings
more of gladness and goodness -
courage to good people's hearts,
gratefullness, & "I could"-ness..
God will finish what he starts!
creative communication
Communication from both LOVE & TRUTH
demands I too become a conduit for
expressing them to folk (not stay aloof)
and this I will not do in ways that bore!
That's only 'coz I looked & listened to
that word of God who did it all before
& thought of each one's situation who
came to him, and then did what THEY'D call for!
demands I too become a conduit for
expressing them to folk (not stay aloof)
and this I will not do in ways that bore!
That's only 'coz I looked & listened to
that word of God who did it all before
& thought of each one's situation who
came to him, and then did what THEY'D call for!
focus off, focus on...
We fix our focus on not what we see,
but on what’s unseen, yet reality.
For what is seen has temporarily
appeared right here down on this Earth, so we
look long, take time, to focus lives on what
though not perceived by senses that we've got
because, like foetuses, reality
is mostly “hidden” by our very needs
and kind of life, dependant on it’s mum
to nurture and protect within her tum,
so we find with some similarities
that we can't see our parent (who’s so pleased
in this case, for we are quite plainly “planned”
and not “an accident”, for Love began
with God, though often watered down down here).
We can't see God, because it so appears
that act would end this so dependant life.
One day he said the pure in heart (through strife)
would see their God, in open laughing world
within new bodies - indestructible!
We fix our focus now on what's unseen
& yet will last beyond this world’s last gleam,
for it depends on life that doesn't “need”,
but acts from love, delight, that is quite freed
from making up its own “heart felt” desire.
This spirit God has given takes us higher -
his power, love, self discipline are ours,
his way, & promises, protect and WOW us!
So we fix our eyes not on what we can see but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (PM Version)
Delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (PM Version)
God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline 2 Timothy 1:7, (PM Version)
God's way is perfect!
All the Lord's promises prove true!.
He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. Psalm 18:30 (PM Version)
All the Lord's promises prove true!.
He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. Psalm 18:30 (PM Version)
✴️Cornerstone Community✴️ in Orange🐣🍁🖌️🔑🔛
Oh God please help us to be what we own:
"be formed for others to be able to
join" us in following your CornerStone
& yet be wise, and not unstable too.
Help us to clarify what we've been called
to be and then to do, in your council,
as you discuss our movements, we're appalled
that your love is so lovely, that you will
not leave us to our own devices but
continue to train your children in love
and truth, we're glad that you will grow (& cut)
the parts of us that need help from above.
And that's us now- we "need help" where we are.
We're still encouraged when you've stepped in, seized,
and made things work when our plans dain't go far
enough to cover all contingencies.
Oh, what a wond'rous future you've in mind
to train us to be gods of this your earth,
& any other purposes you find
- as those apostles said* - more comes with “birth”.
So thank you for your light of love & truth
and THAT as we have seen, you come quite near.
Please grow us all, that as they said of youth^
- your children would crush enemies we’ve feared.
So here we are, in this part of your world.
In Orange with this Order that you’ve used
to clarify your claim, and flag unfurled
embody LIFE, where people are confused!
Cornerstone Community
But God, we want your vision of this thing,
not just what we can see right now at all,
to be the thing that grows (not just a wing),
we’d rather serve your purposes and fall
like John O’Washer (just before the Christ)
who spoke out as your voice (whom Empire crushed).
To weigh up all the evidence (suffice
to say, these other empires will be dust),
and let the spirit you have sent to here
show us new ways of living out your love,
in new settings and backgrounds that appear
fulfilling purposes of you above
all else that comes along, so that we will
not just 'make no mistakes’, but ‘put to work’
the gift of spirit, you gave us until
we used well what we could, and did not shirk
by burying the talent that you gave
from fear that we might lose it, if we tried
to use it. We must trust that you could save
us if that was the best, yet John O’ died.
Please give us wisdom now to see the core
of what you made us for, if more exists.
To hear our marching orders, and the call
to wild living, that's loving in the midst
of this black night, with all the “little stars”
you place around your universe in joy.
Your sun of righteousness that leads by far
we would reflect, as a full-moon, your “boy”!
Learning from Abram*
We'll God please help me now, to fear not(!)
and in departments of my life where I've
got courage and are faithful, to not rot,
but spread those qualities, and help them thrive.
It's like you've given me the sum all "worked"
in this part of my life so I can learn
to spread that knowledge/ goodness, not to shirk.
Don't let my weaknesses cower and spearn
my growth here as a human in God's World.
But I can see a bigger thing to grasp
(or rather let it grasp me, tightly curled):
my teacher keeps on teaching when life's past!
This life is not the end, or fully LIFE,
it's more like one big womb-world that we're in;
so when as foetuses we get in strife,
our situation finished, just begins!
* (Gen 12 & 20, and in between) Abraham was blessed to be "a blessing to all nations" (Gen12)... He ended up bringing a curse on Egypt (the land that was looking after him in a famine) the first time, because of his relying on his (earthly) wisdom which induced fear, instead of bringing God into the picture ... Asking God for his wisdom, and doing something to bring a blessing to them... After the first time (with Pharaoh in ch.12), I thought hope he learns a lesson here. But chapter 20 shows that he's a slow learner... (a bit like me). Wow, I wonder if the early Christians were thinking of these stories when they said "... if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny his own nature"(2 Timothy 2:13)
ie. (inconsistently) strong in an area in one department of life, and weak in (almost) the same area in another department.. ??
Then our task seems to be to take the strength and spread it to other departments, before the weaknesses are spread to the other departments where I WAS strong in that area.
The Holy Ghost! - not wholly ghost!
De “part” of me dat wants to be admired,
looked up to, and t'ought well of, - call de shots
(de same part always wants to be desired,
and never wants to be embarrassed lots),
I say de “part”, but it claims to be whole.
It is de ghost that was all I'd become,
until Yeshua came, spoke, breathed dis soul
to Life, once lost in garden when we dumb-
ly bid for independence with our hand,
(by reaching up and taking off de fruit)
and even t'ough we didn’t understand
it all, we knew enough, for what ensued
showed we ourselves had claimed de caveat,
and jumped off, so to captain our own boat.
“Part 1” of life, born innocent, and yet
we’d have to learn to keep de boat afloat!
Learn from a Master Mariner who loved,
or from who had de local dump contract
(who sees us as some rubbish dat was shoved
into his path (as he went off de track).
So since we chose de second of de two,
collecting all de rubbish dat we found
and learning to do what we’re made to do
by Dump Contractor, who is often round.
De gods dat we were made to be WERE NOT,
my future self - dis oily ghost of me!
Christ’s “mouth to mouth” breathed life, to stop dis rot,
dis new creation grows solid & free!
* The first two words of this poem-ish thingo, said as one word, commandingly, are my response to this ghost. My willingly taking on my own crucifiction, in the light and power of Yeshua's, is his WAY, to truly "kill", or make this ghost itself to "be no more". Halleluyah!
witnesses watch wedding
Since witnesses like these are watching on
let's let go of the past, and anything
that’s holding us back- ‘specially any wrong,
that’s holding us back- ‘specially any wrong,
deficiencies that stop us from winning.
Our “lacks” that try to trip us up down here -
we don't want them defining who we are.
We'll (with endurance) run the race (not fear)
let God's plans for us be our running gear.
Responding to those plans by standing up
and listening, watching, looking all around,
might be the kind of prayer that he erupts -
a thankful looking up, not to the ground.
We hold up high the hope we have right here,
with knowledge that our God is full of faith.
And let us keep encouraging and cheer-
ing other’s on to love (that is no wraithe),
that's real because reflecting from the One
who keeps imagining the world to be,
and gives us birth in his dream as a son
or daughter, who’s in some sense really free.
For things that are impossible for us
alone and unassisted, are not so
when God’s in our equation there’s no fuss
or lengths to which he could not, will not, go.
The Spirit of the LORD was upon him,
anointed him to bring freedom and hope
to broken-hearted people on the rim,
new eyes to blind, release who couldn’t cope!
And he, in us, continues with his task.
For he’s our Adam, we've become his Eve
(came out of him, and he comes into us
and knows us fully), let’s hang out and “weave”
with him, ourselves together as a One.
That’s not to trip him up, but fully join
with him in God’s big task (that is quite fun)
as his belov-ed (who’s more than a groin)!
Yeshua, we will gladly “waste” the time
of these lives; in your presence, hanging out.
And be responsive, not claim things as “mine”,
for we are now your fam-i-ly - no doubt!
Since we have a great cloud of witnesses- I let go of the past and any thing that is holding me back- especially any sin that is trying to trip me up. So I can run the race with endurance that God has planned for me. Hebrews in 12:1 (PM Version)
Keep on praying, being watchful with a thankful heart. Colossians 4:2 (PM Version)
Let us hold onto the hope we have, knowing that God is faithful. Let us keep encouraging and cheering each other on in love and helping each other wherever possible. Hebrews 10:23-24 (PM Version)
The things that are impossible for man are possible with God. Luke 18:27 ( PM Version)
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, he has anointed me to bring hope and freedom to the broken-hearted, new eyes for the blind and to release those who have been crushed"!! Luke 4:18 (PM Version)
cooking up... 'n' looking up...
I know some things (that you don't even know)
about you, right this minute, 'cause I care:
the number of the hairs that right now show
upon your head, your height, and health. Beware
of thinking you are owned by anyone,
except your Hea'enly Father, who has planned
for you, his baby gods (daughters & sons)
to learn to make machines and choices "manned"
by people who can "own" responsibly,
the jobs they have been given, and can make
more good upon the Earth, disaster flee!
To help me cook a "Hopeful-Future Bake".
I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (PM Version)
about you, right this minute, 'cause I care:
the number of the hairs that right now show
upon your head, your height, and health. Beware
of thinking you are owned by anyone,
except your Hea'enly Father, who has planned
for you, his baby gods (daughters & sons)
to learn to make machines and choices "manned"
by people who can "own" responsibly,
the jobs they have been given, and can make
more good upon the Earth, disaster flee!
To help me cook a "Hopeful-Future Bake".
I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (PM Version)
Jesus Christ! ... You're good
So they said,
Kill Him dead!
On that cross!
It's not our loss!
He says he is the boss!?
Won't that make Romans cross!?
Us Jews, we have our God,
So, you may kill this filthy cod.
In the way you killed his dad,
Wasn't that a loathsome fad,
All those rebels got their medals,
Give Him too what He deserves.
So, the Jews there found a way,
To kill the King there on that day.
Because, of good things that He'd done,
And, also good things that He'd say.
Amen, oh God, we love that you backed up
the one who trusted you more than his life,
the one who kept on loving and racked up
more enemies, 'cause jealousy was rife.
He trusted that your word, & love & truth
were bigger than this world and would keep on,
that you would bring his resurrected youth-
fulness to bring new life and he wain't wrong!
Well halleluyah, hosanna we say,
you're worthy of our trust, and hope and love.
We worship you as winner of the day,
and you're the one who came down from above!
Kill Him dead!
On that cross!
It's not our loss!
He says he is the boss!?
Won't that make Romans cross!?
Us Jews, we have our God,
So, you may kill this filthy cod.
In the way you killed his dad,
Wasn't that a loathsome fad,
All those rebels got their medals,
Give Him too what He deserves.
So, the Jews there found a way,
To kill the King there on that day.
Because, of good things that He'd done,
And, also good things that He'd say.
Amen, oh God, we love that you backed up
the one who trusted you more than his life,
the one who kept on loving and racked up
more enemies, 'cause jealousy was rife.
He trusted that your word, & love & truth
were bigger than this world and would keep on,
that you would bring his resurrected youth-
fulness to bring new life and he wain't wrong!
Well halleluyah, hosanna we say,
you're worthy of our trust, and hope and love.
We worship you as winner of the day,
and you're the one who came down from above!
make a good choice ... for girl's & boys, ... of course then get ... right on with it!
lovely 2 hear...
love U 2! Cheer!
Sounds like it's good
to use, as should
be used, the stuff
given (enough)
for his good plans
- better than Man's.
That brings a smile
to me, the while
that we live here:
an Earthday's cheer!
... spied a Webb
Paul (& Katrina) Walker 's cheer!
Just saw that my system appeared
to have James' names - another year
soon past, since he was [last down here :( ...
too, since humanity was blest
and James was] found within the nest,
en-Webb-ed, as a silk-worm, with best...
and got me thinking of the rest...
The younger Webbs will be older.
The older may be some bolder.
To not give you the "cold shoulder",
in Northern climes - a bit colder..
I'll "Happy Earth-day" unto you
(both coming up and others too)!
Old God's used you to help us do
things diff'rently, with wine-skins new!
To hold his precious lively wine
in ways that will release (in time)
it to the new ones who would dine
with God and Man in peace sublime.
2018-01-16 2017, we bless your birthday now unseen!
Young Sophie Tosh is growing older still
each day, and every year, in time until
her life in this world has been swallowed up,
that's by a greater life that is errupt-
ing even now in this old world, with good
that comes from up above just as it would
if the creator, who is love and truth,
was still sustaining goodness like a roof
to cover and protect from harmful rays
and make a place of safety in this haze.
And if he would respond to her young heart
that's wanting to spread goodness for her part,
by giving her her heart's desires yet,
so making hopes come true, against most bets,
please give her wisdom to express your love
in ways that smell like you, to those who shove
around here on this Earth, we've seen your smile
on her face, as she faces hard things, while
she learns to cry with those who, suffering,
can be helped by her standing, buffering -
giving breathing space between the bouts
and helping them to learn to trust with shouts,
depending on God’s graceous-ness that’s found
all strewn about this world here on the ground
and in the sky, and sea, and evening breeze.
May your sophia in her be what frees
her to connect with love the folk she sees
(depending on its source, here) by degrees.
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