Txt2PW: Hey ... I'd love your prayer. I'm just struggling a bit at the moment.
Dear Father of your children here on Earth
we know you understand our struggles here
more than we even know each other's worth,
because your love & word made life appear.
And more than life that's biological,
you've even shared your own (eternal) life
and not as scientist, just logical,
your loving mercy trumps judgement, in strife.
So help this girl & her Mother, & Dad,
to learn to curl in your hand and to rest,
no matter what's a happ'nin' - good or bad,
to let you teach and grow us through each "test".
For what we know as tests, can be "showings"
of life and love that's yours, in your children,
to unbelieving worlds they are glowings
to light a darkened place as Moon does when
it shines within a night sky more than stars
(which are big suns but light-years far away).
So may we like small Moon, shine more than Mars
reflecting our sun's light with every ray.
And even when it's light does not much show,
it's mostly 'cause it just can't still be seen,
from our angle, but half of it's a-glow.
It's trouble comes when Earth is in-between
the Sun and it, & then it is eclipsed.
The things of Earth can block the sun's strong light.
May Christ be focused gaze, & not just glimpsed,
so that he is reflected in this night.
my beloved
JUST thinking of you there at TAFE class.
I did washing, bought some shoes up here.
NOW waiting for school-mate to come past,
THEN lunch with a sunday school teacher.
AND maybe some time, when all that's stopped
TO catch up with friends from my past life. ...
WAS just recognized in a shoe shop
BY one who is Lindsay(school-mate)'s wife!
OH boy, when you grow up connected,
MEMORIES they return when you come back.
I'M proud of your work with neglected
FOLK, to bring them out of "cul de sacs".
I love connecting with you dear girl,
(NOT just in our bodies but) learning
TO open ourselves, and to uncurl
FERN-like to bright love and a yearning...
I did washing, bought some shoes up here.
NOW waiting for school-mate to come past,
THEN lunch with a sunday school teacher.
AND maybe some time, when all that's stopped
TO catch up with friends from my past life. ...
WAS just recognized in a shoe shop
BY one who is Lindsay(school-mate)'s wife!
OH boy, when you grow up connected,
MEMORIES they return when you come back.
I'M proud of your work with neglected
FOLK, to bring them out of "cul de sacs".
I love connecting with you dear girl,
(NOT just in our bodies but) learning
TO open ourselves, and to uncurl
FERN-like to bright love and a yearning...
Second telling of the Law, chapter four. ... ... Mush! (Moshe’s Mosh Pit’s not too much!)
Now, Isra’ el, hear these decrees and laws
I am about to teach you. Follow them
so that you may live in this land of yours
by going in and taking possession,
since God, the Lord of your ancestors gives
to you, by his decree this gracious place.
Do not belittle these commands, he lives,
& guarantees all life, & time, & space.
Don't add to these commands & don't subtract,
but keep them as your life & health - not void!
You saw with your own eyes what happened back
at Baal Peor. The Lord your God destroyed
all those among you who disposed of him
and followed Baal(the Lord of Peor)’s way.
But all you who held fast throughout (no whim),
to Yahweh God are still alive today.
Observe them care-full-ly, for this will show
what wisdom, understanding, looks like to
the nations round about, who'll hear and go
on to say, ‘Surely a great god’s with you…
- this nation’s great, with wise understandings.”
What other nation is so great as this?
- to have their gods near them the way he brings
the presence of the Lord our God (no less!)
quite near us ev’ry time we ever pray?
And speaking of the presents of the Lord,
what other nation is so great today
and has such good commandments as en-lawed
in this body of lore I’m giving yet?
So make sure you are careful, watch yourselves
quite closely so that you do not forget
the things your eyes have seen. Help your mind dwell
on, recollect, recall them - if you will.
Don’t let them fade from your heart, don’t un-friend
them living on this Earth. And teach your chil-
dren, and, teach them to teach theirs after them.
Recall the day you stood before the Lord
your God at Horeb, when he said to me,
‘Assemble all the people who have scored
the chance to hear my words, so they may re-
vere ME as long as THEY live in the land
and teach their kids.’ You then came near and stood
at foot of mountain - anything but bland!
while it blazed up with fi-ah (very good).
With fi-ah to the heavens, and black cloud
and deepest darkness (full of mystery).
And then the Lord spoke to you out aloud
-out of the fire. You heard, but saw not he...
You heard a voice, but didn’t see a form;
and he declared to you his covenant,
the Ten Commandments (which became the norm
of best practice), and wrote them as he bent
down to help out, those ten fing-ers of stone
-two handy tablets. And told me to teach
you these decrees and laws because you’re owned
- as you own land that you hope now to reach.
You saw (with me) no form of any kind -
when God spoke out at Horeb from the fire.
So watch yourselves with care, fully now bind
yourselves to truth, not ruled by your desire.
Don’t let the tug of pow-er make your hand
make little gods whom you could then control,
or else a GOD you see (and “understand”)
with power to cower, & yet to GET, not dole...
Don’t be enticed to bowing down to things,
or animals, or pow-ers that are made
to serve the Lord, who wants to spread his wings
as mother hen hides chickens in her shade.
For you are his own people, his own kids,
or lambs - who need him right throughout the day,
So don’t forget, and do not let closed lids
dream covenantal love right clean away!
Your God, the Lord, is a consuming fire,
a jealous God, who wants you for himself!
– if you become corrupt, he’ll call you “liar!”,
his anger, is consistent with his wealth
of love towards his body, people (they
are meant to be his body on this Earth,
but if they will not join in and obey,
and learn to be what they were made from birth,
to be, and do, and think, and show & tell
there’s not much use in hanging them around,
and God might even throw his arm to “hell”
(the rubbish dump), if it stays on the ground
instead of linking up with all the rest
of God’s body that’s loving, building strong,
he’ll snuff you out, drive you to Buddapest
& you will not survive there very long.
And more than that, you’ll go right off the track,
you’ll do the things you know are wrong to do.
Those god's you chose could never bring you back.
Both hea’en & earth bear witness against you.
But if from there you seek your God, the Lord,
you’ll find him if you seek with all your heart
and all your soul. Distressed and weak, forlorn,
in later days you will return, & start
obeying from the heart your God - Yahweh
de-Merciful, he won’t abandon you,
he won’t forget the covenant he made
with ancestors, my oath that’s what he’ll do!.
Acknowledge, take to heart this day, Yahweh
is God in heaven above and on the earth
below. There is no other. Keep his ways,
which I am giving you and children birthed
birthed from your bodies, so you all may live
long in the land the Lord your God gives you
until the end of time. Can you believe
his plans go further, better? Well it's true!
Deut. 4:1-20, 23-40 NIVUK
And further to this:
Ask now about the former days, before
your time, right from the day God created
humans on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of? Has any other people heard the voice of God speaking out of fire, as you have, and lived? Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and awesome deeds, like all the things the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes?
You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides him there is no other. From heaven he made you hear his voice to discipline you. On earth he showed you his great fire, and you heard his words from out of the fire.
Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength, to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring you into their land to give it to you for your inheritance, as it is today.
I am about to teach you. Follow them
so that you may live in this land of yours
by going in and taking possession,
since God, the Lord of your ancestors gives
to you, by his decree this gracious place.
Do not belittle these commands, he lives,
& guarantees all life, & time, & space.
Don't add to these commands & don't subtract,
but keep them as your life & health - not void!
You saw with your own eyes what happened back
at Baal Peor. The Lord your God destroyed
all those among you who disposed of him
and followed Baal(the Lord of Peor)’s way.
But all you who held fast throughout (no whim),
to Yahweh God are still alive today.
Observe them care-full-ly, for this will show
what wisdom, understanding, looks like to
the nations round about, who'll hear and go
on to say, ‘Surely a great god’s with you…
- this nation’s great, with wise understandings.”
What other nation is so great as this?
- to have their gods near them the way he brings
the presence of the Lord our God (no less!)
quite near us ev’ry time we ever pray?
And speaking of the presents of the Lord,
what other nation is so great today
and has such good commandments as en-lawed
in this body of lore I’m giving yet?
So make sure you are careful, watch yourselves
quite closely so that you do not forget
the things your eyes have seen. Help your mind dwell
on, recollect, recall them - if you will.
Don’t let them fade from your heart, don’t un-friend
them living on this Earth. And teach your chil-
dren, and, teach them to teach theirs after them.
Recall the day you stood before the Lord
your God at Horeb, when he said to me,
‘Assemble all the people who have scored
the chance to hear my words, so they may re-
vere ME as long as THEY live in the land
and teach their kids.’ You then came near and stood
at foot of mountain - anything but bland!
while it blazed up with fi-ah (very good).
With fi-ah to the heavens, and black cloud
and deepest darkness (full of mystery).
And then the Lord spoke to you out aloud
-out of the fire. You heard, but saw not he...
You heard a voice, but didn’t see a form;
and he declared to you his covenant,
the Ten Commandments (which became the norm
of best practice), and wrote them as he bent
down to help out, those ten fing-ers of stone
-two handy tablets. And told me to teach
you these decrees and laws because you’re owned
- as you own land that you hope now to reach.
You saw (with me) no form of any kind -
when God spoke out at Horeb from the fire.
So watch yourselves with care, fully now bind
yourselves to truth, not ruled by your desire.
Don’t let the tug of pow-er make your hand
make little gods whom you could then control,
or else a GOD you see (and “understand”)
with power to cower, & yet to GET, not dole...
Don’t be enticed to bowing down to things,
or animals, or pow-ers that are made
to serve the Lord, who wants to spread his wings
as mother hen hides chickens in her shade.
For you are his own people, his own kids,
or lambs - who need him right throughout the day,
So don’t forget, and do not let closed lids
dream covenantal love right clean away!
Your God, the Lord, is a consuming fire,
a jealous God, who wants you for himself!
– if you become corrupt, he’ll call you “liar!”,
his anger, is consistent with his wealth
of love towards his body, people (they
are meant to be his body on this Earth,
but if they will not join in and obey,
and learn to be what they were made from birth,
to be, and do, and think, and show & tell
there’s not much use in hanging them around,
and God might even throw his arm to “hell”
(the rubbish dump), if it stays on the ground
instead of linking up with all the rest
of God’s body that’s loving, building strong,
he’ll snuff you out, drive you to Buddapest
& you will not survive there very long.
And more than that, you’ll go right off the track,
you’ll do the things you know are wrong to do.
Those god's you chose could never bring you back.
Both hea’en & earth bear witness against you.
But if from there you seek your God, the Lord,
you’ll find him if you seek with all your heart
and all your soul. Distressed and weak, forlorn,
in later days you will return, & start
obeying from the heart your God - Yahweh
de-Merciful, he won’t abandon you,
he won’t forget the covenant he made
with ancestors, my oath that’s what he’ll do!.
Acknowledge, take to heart this day, Yahweh
is God in heaven above and on the earth
below. There is no other. Keep his ways,
which I am giving you and children birthed
birthed from your bodies, so you all may live
long in the land the Lord your God gives you
until the end of time. Can you believe
his plans go further, better? Well it's true!
Deut. 4:1-20, 23-40 NIVUK
And further to this:
Ask now about the former days, before
your time, right from the day God created
humans on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of? Has any other people heard the voice of God speaking out of fire, as you have, and lived? Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and awesome deeds, like all the things the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes?
You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides him there is no other. From heaven he made you hear his voice to discipline you. On earth he showed you his great fire, and you heard his words from out of the fire.
Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength, to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring you into their land to give it to you for your inheritance, as it is today.
The old stories sing... ... ... the God had offspring!
Thank you Lord that I can trust you and you keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you. Isaiah 26:3 (PM Version)
And thank you, I say
's well as "Isaiah",
you're FAITHFUL today,
you are that fire
from which we have spun
you give us sub-stance
you're from whom we've come,
around whom we dance.
Our faith just reflects
a small bit of yours,
as moon-man detects
an Earth-rise because
the Earth is shone on,
thus re-flects sun's light
into dark space from
which it may seem bright,
as Full-Moon shows us
a landscape at night
and it discloses
and brings things to sight
all with it's light which
has come from the sun
so is our trust stiched
and it's thread and yarn
is spun from your own
for you've entrusted
your world (which we've known
's not "done and dusted"
-the story goes on,
have you been naive?
for you trust such zom-
-bies; I do believe
in you, I want to
grow up like you are.
Your love and peace do
more than a skewer
they've sworded me out
the sordid me's dead.
Well dying, no doubt
it stays where it's fed
it's destiny is
only this old Earth,
the new Earth of His
will need a new birth..
Oh I'm excited,
I'll trust you with NEW
Universe righted
Humanity too!
And thank you, I say
's well as "Isaiah",
you're FAITHFUL today,
you are that fire
from which we have spun
you give us sub-stance
you're from whom we've come,
around whom we dance.
Our faith just reflects
a small bit of yours,
as moon-man detects
an Earth-rise because
the Earth is shone on,
thus re-flects sun's light
into dark space from
which it may seem bright,
as Full-Moon shows us
a landscape at night
and it discloses
and brings things to sight
all with it's light which
has come from the sun
so is our trust stiched
and it's thread and yarn
is spun from your own
for you've entrusted
your world (which we've known
's not "done and dusted"
-the story goes on,
have you been naive?
for you trust such zom-
-bies; I do believe
in you, I want to
grow up like you are.
Your love and peace do
more than a skewer
they've sworded me out
the sordid me's dead.
Well dying, no doubt
it stays where it's fed
it's destiny is
only this old Earth,
the new Earth of His
will need a new birth..
Oh I'm excited,
I'll trust you with NEW
Universe righted
Humanity too!
Sounds like...
Ever heard sound from the lips
but not understood the meaning
of a friend or neighbour's quips
- like seeing without reading?
Then on hearing them repeat
(if that's what you asked them to do)
sounds arrange themselves (quite neat)
into the words that you well knew...
Why then, did you not "get it"
when you at first heard all those sounds?
"Lost decoding" (forget it)?
You're mind's too busy (doing rounds)?
He who always sees & hears,
who gave us our eyes, lips, & ears,
started culture (which appears
to birth language, also which cheers
us on, backs up ordered life,
makes us human instead of wolf)
whose fixed attention is rife,
and like new parents - very full
of thoughts & hopes for their babe,
yet wants their babe to grow to choose
(not as robot, or as "shade")
and grow to hold their own good views.
I wonder if this shy one
loans to us some understanding
every time hearing's begun
'n'insight gained without demanding.
but not understood the meaning
of a friend or neighbour's quips
- like seeing without reading?
Then on hearing them repeat
(if that's what you asked them to do)
sounds arrange themselves (quite neat)
into the words that you well knew...
Why then, did you not "get it"
when you at first heard all those sounds?
"Lost decoding" (forget it)?
You're mind's too busy (doing rounds)?
He who always sees & hears,
who gave us our eyes, lips, & ears,
started culture (which appears
to birth language, also which cheers
us on, backs up ordered life,
makes us human instead of wolf)
whose fixed attention is rife,
and like new parents - very full
of thoughts & hopes for their babe,
yet wants their babe to grow to choose
(not as robot, or as "shade")
and grow to hold their own good views.
I wonder if this shy one
loans to us some understanding
every time hearing's begun
'n'insight gained without demanding.
God's kids/lambs*
‘The Lord your God has given you this land.
Go up and take possession of it as
the Lord , the God of your ancestors planned.
Don’t be afraid; don’t be discouraged.’ Has
not he himself quite often, over time,
let you into his thoughts concerning this
Then you came to me and said, ‘Let us prime
ourselves, & see we do “due diligence”.
Let’s send some men ahead to spy it out
and bring reports about the route to take..
And your idea seemed good to me, no doubt;
and bring reports about the route to take..
And your idea seemed good to me, no doubt;
so I selected twelve of you to make
one representing each tribe of God’s folk.
They left and went up to the hill country,
and Valley of Eshkol and then each bloke
brought back reports (and fruit for all to see)
from the good land our God now gives to us.
You grumbled in your tents and said, ‘The Lord
hates us; that’s why he's gone to all this fuss,
to hand us to the Amorites he brought
us out of Egypt, he wants to destroy
us. Where can we go? Our hearts melt in fear.
Our brothers said: “We are to them like boys”..
“Their cities large.., & we saw giants near!”
But I said “God, the Lord, goes on before
you, & will fight for you, as he did back
in Egypt, as your very own eyes saw,
and in the wilderness, in that attack!
For there the Lord your God WAS your carriage,
just as a father carries his young son,
yet all the way you went you've disparaged,
& haven't thought to thank this very one!...
… You would not trust in Yahweh your God, who
had gone ahead of you on your journey;
protective fire by night burned with light too,
and shade from cloud by day did come from he
who searched out places for you to camp and
who showed the way you should go best from there.
And when the Lord heard what you said, he planned,
and angry swore that none should ever share ...
that evil generation would miss out
on seeing the good land he swore to give
their ancestors, except Caleb the scout
[he'll see it, and more than that he will live
to take the land he set his feet upon],
because he followed (trusting in) the Lord
wholeheartedly. His children when he's gone,
I don't think that they ever will get bored!
had gone ahead of you on your journey;
protective fire by night burned with light too,
and shade from cloud by day did come from he
who searched out places for you to camp and
who showed the way you should go best from there.
And when the Lord heard what you said, he planned,
and angry swore that none should ever share ...
that evil generation would miss out
on seeing the good land he swore to give
their ancestors, except Caleb the scout
[he'll see it, and more than that he will live
to take the land he set his feet upon],
because he followed (trusting in) the Lord
wholeheartedly. His children when he's gone,
I don't think that they ever will get bored!
found a mate's signature on ... Marriage Certification
Found this today, per looking up,
on piece of paper near a cup,
in our bedroom, beside our bed,
& when I zoomed in what was said
(just as you see, a name stood there)
reminded me of you (two) where-
ever you are, in God's big world,
I'm glad his star is be'ng uncurled.
on piece of paper near a cup,
in our bedroom, beside our bed,
& when I zoomed in what was said
(just as you see, a name stood there)
reminded me of you (two) where-
ever you are, in God's big world,
I'm glad his star is be'ng uncurled.
tough love
The God who made a world designed like this
is not so tame that I always feel good;
and as a dad & mum would be remiss
if they thought that a child could not (or should
not) ever cry: to open up their lungs
or learn to make the noises that they need
as precursors to speech, the sound that comes
to help us learn to grow & also feed
the kind of sounds that help us learn to talk,
and tune our ears to listen before that.
A bit of love and thick-skinned trust will cork
that panic when it knocks at our door-mat.
So here I'm learning like that one you chose,
to learn important things through sufferings
(whenever I have stubbed or kicked my toes,
I'm learning to look and remember things).
And I recall that "processes through time",
are often helped by "point of time events",
that crystallize them and bring them in line
with life, and save them sitting on the fence.
And I remember “life takes time to live”,
& ain’t just an event that happens to
someone, it takes a growth process to give
maturity a chance to come on through.
So I will learn to trust you in the both
(the process across time, but events too),
and learn to look for your bright presence so
that I enjoy (and mirror) what you do!
Hello Paul. Hope you are doing well. Blessings ..
Yup. Blessed. More than anything I deserve.
People like you texting me to bless me!
As worlds disintegrate without reserve,
God starts to recreate, as his guests we
People like you texting me to bless me!
As worlds disintegrate without reserve,
God starts to recreate, as his guests we
can now participate, & too preserve
the family ways to hate, & love, like he
who started fam-i-ly to "give a purve"
of LOVE that's not "for self", but just "to be".
the family ways to hate, & love, like he
who started fam-i-ly to "give a purve"
of LOVE that's not "for self", but just "to be".
God, 4 dear friends, ...
Please open up their hearts to your bright love,
please help them become curious as well,
that minds might love the truth come from above
sent here to tantalise us with its smell.
Please open up my life & deeds to bear
clear witness, to this truth & love of God,
then opened thoughts and words could also share
your messages, to show you here have trod.
Please open up the heavens up above
these dear ones so your spirit might come down
& woo them with the smells, sounds, sights of Love
and Truth that Jesus brought into our town.
please help them become curious as well,
that minds might love the truth come from above
sent here to tantalise us with its smell.
Please open up my life & deeds to bear
clear witness, to this truth & love of God,
then opened thoughts and words could also share
your messages, to show you here have trod.
Please open up the heavens up above
these dear ones so your spirit might come down
& woo them with the smells, sounds, sights of Love
and Truth that Jesus brought into our town.
Walking through this world with Elohim.
Wasting time with God
thinking of the folk
where his feet have trod
every sheila, bloke,
he has walked among
with a heart of love,
knows where they come from
will not ever shove
'cept if they implore
him to come, in love,
like he did before
as a hov’ring dove
at our very birth
at the start of life
on this tiny Earth
as a helper (wife?),
or a mother bird,
as a strong dad cares
(these may sound absurd -
metaphors he shares
to help us see him
in a diff’rent light -
our culture is dim
his is ever bright),
his way of “doing”
sometimes seems so long...
his rhythms ensuing
often break to song!
thinking of the folk
where his feet have trod
every sheila, bloke,
he has walked among
with a heart of love,
knows where they come from
will not ever shove
'cept if they implore
him to come, in love,
like he did before
as a hov’ring dove
at our very birth
at the start of life
on this tiny Earth
as a helper (wife?),
or a mother bird,
as a strong dad cares
(these may sound absurd -
metaphors he shares
to help us see him
in a diff’rent light -
our culture is dim
his is ever bright),
his way of “doing”
sometimes seems so long...
his rhythms ensuing
often break to song!
So where we share his care*; that's prayer!
Oh God, you’re helping me, now here, to see
from what Geoff said in many LTGs,
and I now see it's relevance to me:
(I've always thought it good, but now I seize
upon it - seeing possibilities
for how it could act antidot-ally
to help me with my present maladies).
It’s if I pray for people as they come
to mind in me, reminding me of them,
(and this is where folk might think it is dumb
- but I don't care, I want to touch your “hem”1)
then in this world I'm in “the line of Shem”2,
(that’s even if my name’s not there to some),
I'm trusting you to take me by the hem,
and take me back, to a new lineage.
Time-travel backwards like a “Jedi knight”,
& learning a new culture, new image
of what is so important in this “fight”
(which also matches parts of me that might
appear to be some incidental trimage,
- or rubbish) you see backwards along light!
I'm acting in the social world of folk,
invisible, apart from its effect,
existing only in the minds of bloke
& sheila, culture’s categ’ries connect
us in a way that might seem just a joke
to folk who focus on “what” eyes detect
more than "who": woman, man, left derelict.
It’s not just “what’s” & “who’s” - in this old life.
It's motives, how I'll use this one at hand.
And to what end I “understand” my wife?
To love, or use? To pray, refuse to stand
as names are called? Will I appalled, unmanned,
refuse to use this chance to dance that’s rife
(I find each time you bring to mind “unplanned”’
by me, a person made to be like you).
I want to learn to dance with you, my God!
Please take the lead, my greatest needs “Adieu” -
acknowledge them, but then again, where trod
that Man of men, my need won't lead (that’s odd,
except it leads me to be led by you!)
I'll trusting follow Yeshua's wink, nod.
And here I am again, thinking of you..
what did you say that day on Calvary?
The stuff of life threw to your open view
your mum and John watch on, and while they see
your need, you give news - views of family.
And then you pray: continue questing "WHO"
to paradoxically, conduit mercy.
* In the light of my experience this week, with God (& my our traitorous heart), this is now part 4 of my responses this week..
1) thinking of that lady who took the process that had already started, from being touched by Jesus, to touching Jesus(Mk3), further, to touching the hem of his (prayer) coat. And who then appears to have let the cat out of the bag since in Galilee "where-ever he went, in villages, towns, & countryside, they took the sick to the market places & where-ever they heard he was, & begged him to let them at least touch the hem of his robe, and everyone who touched him (or his hem) was healed (see end of Mk 6, & it's parallel in Luke)
2) Shem's lineage (the "second" - remaining) Son of Adam in the Story. An alternative to the first Son of Adam (Cain) is outlined in Genesis 5, over against the lineage of Cain whose Line was that of the technologists and skillful artisans. An alternative to Cain's.
choose companions & array antagonists*
In the light of my experience this week, with God (& my our traitorous heart), this appears to be Part Three, following on from 1) "oh me thinks that that stinks" & 2) “what life’s lost … might be compost”
And there’s this thing - phenomenon, which comes,
occurs amongst the plant-world here as such;
they’re called “companion plants”, & their crumbs
help nurture their “companions” - (very much
sometimes). But there are opposites as well,
and they are called “antagonistic plants”*.
I think some proverbs can have such a smell
that they help to repel “aphids & ants”,
and too these self-aggrandize-mental ways
that still have seeds that grow up very quick
within the garden of my life, these days.
And sometimes God’s pure water makes them sick.
So God I’ll grow what I can within me
I want to have a smell that you would like,
that’s something like that fellow we call Gee-
Z’us. He would help you want to “on ya bike”,
at least to follow on, where he has gone,
he helps me get on going, take a hike.
I honestly think he is true, the ONE
he showed us how to handle what was “spiked”.
He didn’t drink some drinks, but did others.
Seemed like it was dependant on who did
the “spiking”, or maybe to save brothers
he knew would have to drink it - to the lid.
Well, I am going to cheat off him from now.
I see he listened up to scriptures/You.
For God, he trusted your word would endow
him with his needs to let your crop grow through!
*eg. cucumber's companion & antagonistic plants
And there’s this thing - phenomenon, which comes,
occurs amongst the plant-world here as such;
they’re called “companion plants”, & their crumbs
help nurture their “companions” - (very much
sometimes). But there are opposites as well,
and they are called “antagonistic plants”*.
I think some proverbs can have such a smell
that they help to repel “aphids & ants”,
and too these self-aggrandize-mental ways
that still have seeds that grow up very quick
within the garden of my life, these days.
And sometimes God’s pure water makes them sick.
So God I’ll grow what I can within me
I want to have a smell that you would like,
that’s something like that fellow we call Gee-
Z’us. He would help you want to “on ya bike”,
at least to follow on, where he has gone,
he helps me get on going, take a hike.
I honestly think he is true, the ONE
he showed us how to handle what was “spiked”.
He didn’t drink some drinks, but did others.
Seemed like it was dependant on who did
the “spiking”, or maybe to save brothers
he knew would have to drink it - to the lid.
Well, I am going to cheat off him from now.
I see he listened up to scriptures/You.
For God, he trusted your word would endow
him with his needs to let your crop grow through!
*eg. cucumber's companion & antagonistic plants
off 2 celebrations
Txt2PW: Thanks Paul for the invite. We will be in Newcastle for 2 baptisms next wkd though.
Oh Good! Enjoy.
As God's own boy
(who turned water
to wine, brought a
edge, more lately),
with the party
really starting
as the folk there
joined un-a-ware
with hea'en's folk fair
who let down hair -
time and water
there have taught a
new truth that day:
(washed clean away)
when that "old" dies,
soon the "new" flies!
So we too will
join God's angels!
Oh Good! Enjoy.
As God's own boy
(who turned water
to wine, brought a
edge, more lately),
with the party
really starting
as the folk there
joined un-a-ware
with hea'en's folk fair
who let down hair -
time and water
there have taught a
new truth that day:
(washed clean away)
when that "old" dies,
soon the "new" flies!
So we too will
join God's angels!
what life's lost ... might be compost..*
So cultivating (weeds from) soil 'sa job
that every farmer has to do on land
for which they are responsible. They rob
some plants of life, to do their job at hand.
And yes they will commit a crime by some
ways of seeing life (like Mr. Singer's).
Thus "Species-ism" is the word some come
up with, for folk who act as those 'sinners'
who make distinctions here between species,
& choose for different blocks of land which ones
will be allowed to breathe (or make faeces),
& procreate, & live under our sun's
beams of light and energy that spark
the making & the storage of sugars,
as starches, & as wood, that's then em-barked..
The farmer pulls some out - just like boogers!
And I'm a farmer, in a sort of way.
And also too then, I'm his block of soil.
So crops that grows in me are (as they say)
defining of the stuff my life embroils.
And crops lend of their names to their paddocks,
- so while it grows that crop, that's how it's known.
And I'm a kind of (Farmer/Block) - addict,
and any passing seeds are what gets sown.
But One thing that I seem to have the power
to do is dig around the roots, disturb,
(with the Gard'ner's help, from hour to hour)
the kind of plants I want to treat like turds.
* In the light of my experience this week, with God (& my our traitorous heart), this appears to be Part Two, following on from "oh me thinks that that stinks",
& then a few days later followed by: "choose companions and array antagonists".
that every farmer has to do on land
for which they are responsible. They rob
some plants of life, to do their job at hand.
And yes they will commit a crime by some
ways of seeing life (like Mr. Singer's).
Thus "Species-ism" is the word some come
up with, for folk who act as those 'sinners'
who make distinctions here between species,
& choose for different blocks of land which ones
will be allowed to breathe (or make faeces),
& procreate, & live under our sun's
beams of light and energy that spark
the making & the storage of sugars,
as starches, & as wood, that's then em-barked..
The farmer pulls some out - just like boogers!
And I'm a farmer, in a sort of way.
And also too then, I'm his block of soil.
So crops that grows in me are (as they say)
defining of the stuff my life embroils.
And crops lend of their names to their paddocks,
- so while it grows that crop, that's how it's known.
And I'm a kind of (Farmer/Block) - addict,
and any passing seeds are what gets sown.
But One thing that I seem to have the power
to do is dig around the roots, disturb,
(with the Gard'ner's help, from hour to hour)
the kind of plants I want to treat like turds.
* In the light of my experience this week, with God (& my our traitorous heart), this appears to be Part Two, following on from "oh me thinks that that stinks",
& then a few days later followed by: "choose companions and array antagonists".
another babe

Some very GREAT news 'bout a very small
child of both of yous; holy, so she'll call
out to Yahweh who's the Most High of all
- may his daughter choose to trust when she falls.
And may Mum & Dad model simple trust
when the news is "bad", when things start to bust.
Learning from this Na - Omi Grace Isa
Yohana Roza-li how to cry sa
much, & from the heart, when things aren't so good:
'specting you to start & respond as should
one who really loved & wants us to grow
often we feel shoved, but don't want to know
'bout that growing bit, we don't want the pains
or the feeling clipped, we just want the gains;
like an athlete who just wins every race
without training to help us keep the pace.
So God, here we are, thinking of this small
child Naomi's far more dependent call;
and the fact that she can not do a thing,
yet she teaches we, who would learn to sing*.
* consider the parable of the singer, by George MacDonald.
oh, me thinks ... that that stinks! *
Oh God there's part of me that wants to be
acknowledged, and thought well of by some folk.
I saw it there tonight in that story
I told of how I helped that other bloke.
Oh God you helped me see it at the time,
but I kept telling, coz I was half through.
I should have stopped immediately, in line,
with what your Spirit came to help me do.
So please forgive me, make me clean. I find
now what to do (& help me stop that talk
& learn to build up who then comes to mind,
instead of using them as stuff to chalk
up tallies for myself to show off now
how good I am at all I try to do).
I hate it Lord, when others do that "bow",
& talk as though THEY did it, without you.
And there I was, just doing what I hate.
The problem really is that it's not true
for me to talk as though I made my mate...
when really all my confidence in you
is not a thing to boast of. I'd be sick
and tired and want to give up, if that was
the thing for me to spuke of very quick.
So I will only boast in You, because
in truth it's you who helps me ever be
in the know, or have a go, or waiting.
By nature I would shrink away, I see.
Thanks Lord for this chance at cultivating!
* In the light of my experience this week, with God (& my our traitorous heart), this appears to be Part One, followed on a few days later with "what life's lost might be compost"
& then a few days later than that: "choose companions and array antagonists"
acknowledged, and thought well of by some folk.
I saw it there tonight in that story
I told of how I helped that other bloke.
Oh God you helped me see it at the time,
but I kept telling, coz I was half through.
I should have stopped immediately, in line,
with what your Spirit came to help me do.
So please forgive me, make me clean. I find
now what to do (& help me stop that talk
& learn to build up who then comes to mind,
instead of using them as stuff to chalk
up tallies for myself to show off now
how good I am at all I try to do).
I hate it Lord, when others do that "bow",
& talk as though THEY did it, without you.
And there I was, just doing what I hate.
The problem really is that it's not true
for me to talk as though I made my mate...
when really all my confidence in you
is not a thing to boast of. I'd be sick
and tired and want to give up, if that was
the thing for me to spuke of very quick.
So I will only boast in You, because
in truth it's you who helps me ever be
in the know, or have a go, or waiting.
By nature I would shrink away, I see.
Thanks Lord for this chance at cultivating!
* In the light of my experience this week, with God (& my our traitorous heart), this appears to be Part One, followed on a few days later with "what life's lost might be compost"
& then a few days later than that: "choose companions and array antagonists"
atone a loan & lift the gift
That's "All done!" for the loan (& gift) to you.
And, man, pay that loan "forward" - as did he
whom God anointed to show us right through
these days where God displays Christ's victory
And, man, pay that loan "forward" - as did he
whom God anointed to show us right through
these days where God displays Christ's victory
of love, & fam'ly ways, more than of force
(or keeping the ascendancy of pow'r)
for love does never end, so it of course
has more power than all suns in ev'ry hour!
(or keeping the ascendancy of pow'r)
for love does never end, so it of course
has more power than all suns in ev'ry hour!
may cornerstone community ... serve who god sends and reflect well ... the cornerstone whose unity ... is integrated in himself..
God, you know much more than we
do, these things serve "family"
well we really want them to,
that our father's love will do
what it does to beckon/woo
folk to lives of love unto
their own death within this world,
may this open-week unfold
your adventure for these folk
(every woman, every bloke)
that we all be corners-turned
towards the light, your Christ owned.
do, these things serve "family"
well we really want them to,
that our father's love will do
what it does to beckon/woo
folk to lives of love unto
their own death within this world,
may this open-week unfold
your adventure for these folk
(every woman, every bloke)
that we all be corners-turned
towards the light, your Christ owned.
on offer
... and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. The greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child. And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me. Mt 18:3-5 GNTD
My God , I'm yours today. Do as you will
with me - is what I say, but now to live...
A living sacrifice, that is unkilled
can seem to be so nice, but it will give
me more embarrassment, for it crawls off
the altar where I meant to do the deed.
I know this from my children's open love
reporting that minds will wander, not heed..
when I had said "Lie down, & shut your eyes."
-& they'd obeyed (not frowned & sulked) with trust,
they still reported side-tracks, like blow-flies,
which opened up them wide - until they'd bust.
And when they asked "How do I cope with that?"
well my reply came through as clear as day,
"I think the real issue comes into bat
when you remember to, - start to obey,
instead of thinking "Well, I failed in that."
& moving on to tell myself that "I
can do whatever I want to do, flat
out" since I don't know why, I will not try.
So learn to now obey - nitty gritty,
& in a diff'rent way (against inclines),
for love acknowledges "Author-ity"
& yet creatively it underlines,
& underwrites, & understands the truth,
so does what can be done to compost dead...
dead branches, limbs that live no more their youth-
full-ness because they give it no more head!
My God , I'm yours today. Do as you will
with me - is what I say, but now to live...
A living sacrifice, that is unkilled
can seem to be so nice, but it will give
me more embarrassment, for it crawls off
the altar where I meant to do the deed.
I know this from my children's open love
reporting that minds will wander, not heed..
when I had said "Lie down, & shut your eyes."
-& they'd obeyed (not frowned & sulked) with trust,
they still reported side-tracks, like blow-flies,
which opened up them wide - until they'd bust.
And when they asked "How do I cope with that?"
well my reply came through as clear as day,
"I think the real issue comes into bat
when you remember to, - start to obey,
instead of thinking "Well, I failed in that."
& moving on to tell myself that "I
can do whatever I want to do, flat
out" since I don't know why, I will not try.
So learn to now obey - nitty gritty,
& in a diff'rent way (against inclines),
for love acknowledges "Author-ity"
& yet creatively it underlines,
& underwrites, & understands the truth,
so does what can be done to compost dead...
dead branches, limbs that live no more their youth-
full-ness because they give it no more head!
crop depends on ... what seed is sown
Sow seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of unfailing love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek The Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you. Hosea 10:12 (PM Version)
Sow seeds of righteousness,
and you'll harvest a crop
of unfailing love/peace.
Plow your hard ground/hearts up,
for it's time to (right now)
seek Yahweh-Lord, so too
he'll visit and shower
righteousness upon you.
(after Hosea 10:12)
Sow seeds of righteousness,
and you'll harvest a crop
of unfailing love/peace.
Plow your hard ground/hearts up,
for it's time to (right now)
seek Yahweh-Lord, so too
he'll visit and shower
righteousness upon you.
(after Hosea 10:12)
I admit: I dent it - y of me!
Oh God I feel susceptible and weak
(I wonder where we get our feelings from).
I wish I was resil'yant, so to speak;
'tmay be what really matters is what's come
from growing (from what's planted) in our lives,
if we are like a garden plot of soil;
a crop, as planted, for a time survives,
& we can help it in our race to "boil"...
More seeds are spread, & then infect more plots
that's if we let their roots grow deep in us,
till time comes we're identified (in spots,
or totally) by all our crops, & must
then let the matter of our bodies go
back to the dust where they came from again,
& someone-else makes soil from dust, you'll know
them by the crop they grow in this life when
they get to make those choices every day,
to more reflect their Father God above,
in what they think about, & act, & say,
to more spread here below, his kind of love;
or else, to be that independant sort,
who sorts it out alone, because they are
their own selves, coz they are not owned, or bought,
& no-one else but them is quite the star.
Oh God I want your will to be what's done,
to shine around this world more every day.
No matter what I feel, you are the one
I give allegiance to, & I'll obey!
(I wonder where we get our feelings from).
I wish I was resil'yant, so to speak;
'tmay be what really matters is what's come
from growing (from what's planted) in our lives,
if we are like a garden plot of soil;
a crop, as planted, for a time survives,
& we can help it in our race to "boil"...
More seeds are spread, & then infect more plots
that's if we let their roots grow deep in us,
till time comes we're identified (in spots,
or totally) by all our crops, & must
then let the matter of our bodies go
back to the dust where they came from again,
& someone-else makes soil from dust, you'll know
them by the crop they grow in this life when
they get to make those choices every day,
to more reflect their Father God above,
in what they think about, & act, & say,
to more spread here below, his kind of love;
or else, to be that independant sort,
who sorts it out alone, because they are
their own selves, coz they are not owned, or bought,
& no-one else but them is quite the star.
Oh God I want your will to be what's done,
to shine around this world more every day.
No matter what I feel, you are the one
I give allegiance to, & I'll obey!
going with God!
Oh God, please help that young bloke there, and his
his missus (Ingrid), & their daughter too,
that they would kick back in your love, not miss
it - listening to accussing shame (not you).
Sure, not all shame is false, but what we do
with all our shame when - once we're made aware
of it. Will we run off, or run to you?
And let you re-create - & do our share!
I hardly can believe you want to work
along with us. I think it is your love.
That's such a precious thing, I will not shirk,
but ask you to keep giving from above
the "want to", when we feel like giving up;
the joy that comes from giving all our lives
to others who would learn how living up
to your high calling, in your strength survives
& more, surpasses, expectation-ings
of little creatures bound to this small earth.
No caterpillar flies (it don't have wings),
but "butterfly" is there in it's new birth!
That's not to say it straightaway can fly,
it still must dry its wings and learn to be
its new self that's maturing by & by,
& that's what I am praying now I see -
for him & Ingrid, Hannah (& their friends).
God thank you for his mum & what you've done
already, for your goodness never ends!
We will be seen in Jesus, now, your son!
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