
the failed crop - turned to pasture

A crop was hoped for - barley or old wheat.
The rain did not fall much - the crop was stressed.
No cash was likely, for no bales would meet
demands in town for stock food at it's best.

So systems based on the rock bottom line
won't help these farmers this year to use well
the capital, the gifts that they called "mine"
as God would have them do, to work 'gainst Hell.

Still, they could let Creator's sheep be fed
for this ol' field could feed some very well
(as if He cared for animals that bled,
and still thought them His own - He'd never sell)!

So this they did. Did they think they had missed
their calling as a farmer on God's Earth?
Were they now learning? Or did God insist
they start to use what he gave them at birth:

- the most incredible and timely gift
one where the landscape helped them to become
and grow to be his "baby gods" - to lift
their heads and hearts together (off their bums).

And into service of God's garden place,
to learn to "till" and be a gardener.
That's not to say initiative's disgraced,
it's just to say "They've much to learn." Ta da!

And who would we learn from? He doesn't need
to have his name shown off - like clothing tags.
He's quite secure, it's he that makes the seed*,
and teachers farmersÂș - even when they lag.

* Mark 4: "the seed grows -all by itself"

○ Isa 28: "It is the Lord who teaches the farmer how to plant, harvest, thresh etc all the different crops (through observation, thought, learning from those around them, trial & error etc).

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