
open up to...

Dear God you've modelled all you call us to:
you 'opened up' yourself to see & hear^
& then respond with actions that you do,
more than just words, though you've sent prophets near -

to speak to folk the truth, but not often
coercively to MAKE them turn around,
for you are wanting hearts that are open
- true children who are wanting to be "found".

So life takes on the quality of "game",
that's "fun", & "sharing life" with our own Dad,
who loves to share his life with us the same,
with more creative times here to be had.

I've heard that your nick-name is "Creator";
& I believe it; you're over the top!
The Servant of you is so much greater,
that I want him to rule, & never stop.

Isaiah said you woke him every day
(your Servant*), and you 'opened up'º his ear,
so eyes to see, and mouth to speak & say
what helps the weary and would bring good cheer,

are what you gave him, so he could impart
this 'openness' he had towards the truth,
to us, and also 'open up' our heart,
to love you and your children, as YOUR youth.

Oh God unless you re-create this bod,
& make my spirit live (from being dead),
& help me grow and learn from a true God,
I never will "arise" from off my bed!¤

^Exod 3:7-10; 4:11-12, 31; Acts 7:34
*Isaiah 50:4-8
º"Ephatha"= open up! Mark 7:32-37
¤ "Talitha koum" = little girl I say to you 'arise' Mk 5:38-43

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