
Stay over

You guys are more than welcome to stay with us this coming weekend!

Well thanx for that, we will so do,
that's if we're given life & health,
for we would love to stay with you,
& that there Peter (who's an elf).

And we would love to see your space
(the house you're making like your home).
We hope the dragon-fly's in place,
to icon hovering at gloam,

and in those morning times as well,
God's spirit brooding, longing to
create & gift, save from the hell
of rubbish thinking, to bless  you.


Son of Love

I can be high above the sky or in the deepest ocean but nothing in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 PMV

Could be high above the sky 
or in the deepest ocean 
but nothing in all of my 
world, or in God's creation 

will ever be able to
sep-ar-ate us from the love
of God that is re-vealed do-
-ing kind-nesses from above.

That's Jesus of Nazareth,
the car-pen-ter turned preacher,
the son of David, a "Seth*",
our Lord, and Father / Teacher.

*Seth was the Son of Adarm
and Eve, to replace Abel 
(as the "seed of Eve" who'd harm
the serpent's head - turn tables)

Abel may've looked "the ONE"
since his sacrifice pleased God;
yet he was murdered by Cain,
so everything now seemed odd.

Seth was also "the Son" too
(of Adarm & Eve) there's hints:
replacing Cain (as "seed" who 
would bruise the serpent's head); since

Cain had not battled with sin
and mastered it, as God warned 
was needed, since sin had in-
-deed "taken" HIM, and had spawned,

"made him slave", that's when he rused
"a walk", to kill his brother.
Jesus'es most of-ten used 
name for himself- no other

in Aramaic/Hebrew, 
was simply "Son of Adarm", 
of which the models they knew
were Cain, or Seth; now which arm

of the human family tree
would God's "seed of Eve" come from?
And it seems his mum, Mary,
of Seth's breed, came along.


Could be high above the sky 
or in the deepest ocean 
but nothing in all of my 
world, or in God's creation 

will ever be able to
sep-ar-ate us from the love
of God that is re-vealed do-
-ing kind-ness: Christ who's above.

That's Jesus of Nazareth,
the car-pen-ter turned preacher,
the son of David, a "Seth*",
our Lord, and Father / Teacher.

(Romans 8:39 PM(& PW)V)

Thank you God.
for your love
thank you God 
for your path.
Thank you Yahweh
that you are Love.
Thanks Yeshua
our WAY  - from above.
You, humble God,
call us to walk
in you, and ON you.
We feel it is wrong
but will do it so long
as you tell us, so strong-
ly to keep coming ON.
- to walk upon you
as our Way, Yeshua. 
- to walk in the Love 
who is you our God.
I will do this audacious thing,
and laugh, and look up, and sing.


his children follow his culture

The Lord satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry soul with good things. Psalm 107:9 (PM Version)
God's word is a shining light that guides me on the right path to take. Psalm 119:105 (PM Version)

For those who need some water to live on,
the Lord provides for them the feel of "thirst".
He dain't just pour it down their necks anon,
but lets them choose to dry up, live, or burst.

For those who've felt the lack of water, then
they've now been given insight into folk;
for when those others thirst, they have a ken
to what it means, & feels like, not to joke

at their expense, but let their heart expand,
& learn to keep their brother in their heart,
as a (not jailer/ warden) helping hand,
a fam'ly that will help each other start,

or "To keep On" when keeping on is hard;
& pass a cup of water that is cool
to brother, or to neighbour in their yard.
For both the water that exists at all,

& a person who thinks of another
are there because of someone down the line
who freely gave their goods, as a brother.
It wasn't just the rules that make things "fine".

Just so, it is the LORD who satisfies
the thirsty, and fills hungry up with food;
& he who follows Him, is who defies
this culture's product: "self made man" - who's rude.

Because folk follow who is father of
us all, & whose strong word's a shining light
that guides them on the path that's not to pov-
erty in thought, & happens to be right.



[Grateful (& grieving) not "taking for granted"]

I keep the fire burning in my spirit as I do the work God has called me to do. I know that true happiness can only be found walking with Jesus. Romans 12:11-12 (PM Version) In every situation I give thanks, I Rejoice and continue to pray for this is Gods will for me. 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 (PM Version) My soul finds rest in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62: 5-6 (PM Version)

Amen, and amen! -
to all psalms and prayers.
And "Amen!" again,
from all "here-s" and "there-s";

the place, lets us trace
where God is honoured,
and too, shows his face
where we've been "On-Earthed".

God's incarnation
continues? Sure!
Grief, and elation,
both in Yeshua -

his spirit on Earth
"at large", yet bodied
in "from-above birthed"
folk (who have shodied

his name on this globe)
and yet he keeps on
for he has bestowed
his Love, which is strong.


1 God, Go-between, Gospel!

There is only one God, and there's only
one mediator who can reconcile
humanity to God (who is fam'ly)
since we: wouldn't be in fam'ly; went wild!

And such a leader, a Christ, is this one
this man Yeshua, yes showed us great love.
He gave up his life to purchase freedom
for all God's children, he came from above.

And this is the message, the herald's news:
that God has appointed him to lead us
whatever our nation, whatever views,
sent out at the right time, with the right fuss.


There is only one God, and only one mediator who can reconcile God and humanity- the man Christ Jesus. He gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 (PM Version)


the spirit of holy love

Creator Spirit, mother hen, who broo-
-ded over this ol' Earth through eons past -
to bring it into being as some room,
a nest, for growing offspring who at last

would rule as gods with wisdom and with care,
and would reflect the Great God's attitudes
right over this whole world (since God is there-
wherever we could go) - no platitudes!

The spirit that was poured on, then poured out
from Yeshua in everything he did,
raised Jesus up as leader who no doubt
was head and shoulders over all us kids.

As First Case of the Great Resurrection,
now he's become the first-born from the dead,
who following true-Life's good infection,
are now becoming all our good dreams said.

He's raised up Jesus to the highest point
of all God's good creation - over all, 
with indestructible life, he's appoint-
ed his new way, his government won't fall!

And since this Spirit now lives in you too,
then just as God raised Jesus from the dead, 
to be the leader of the "human zoo",
he'll fill you with his life, right from your head

down to your toes by this same Spirit who
in living in you now reflects God's love
on back to him and then to others too,
just sum of what we're given from above!


The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by the same Spirit living within you. Romans 8:11 (PM Version)

THE REST IS DETAILS!! Mathew 22 (PM Version)


larger life

My health may fail, and  spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart; he
is mine forever. Yahweh (so to speak)
is rock & fortress, saviour; - protects me!

That may sound like "I'll never have a pain",
if you thought that, "Mistaken" you would be.
Read the stanza up above, again,
"protection" ain't from suffering, you see.

The closer we get to this god of love
I think you'll see more suffering is borne,
that's why we need the strength that's from above,
to stay true, with joy, not just be forlorn.

Some suffering comes for - to help us learn,
as part of training, or to toughen up,
but some's to break a hardened heart, to turn
a head-strong neck to help it bend in love.

Some suffering is further yet: just love,
that suffers that another might get good.
The suffering of God is quite above
the suffering that others take, or could.

The closer that we come to this good god
to learn this love, & say that we'll help out,
the more we'll tread where Yeshua has trod,
& need divine help, certainly - no doubt!

God is my shield and refuge, with the pow'rs
to save & help these children in their need.
But in this world with many desparate hours,
as well as help, we'll get some suffering.

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalms 73:26 (PM Version)
The Lord is your rock, your fortress and your saviour. God is your rock who protects you. He is your shield and refuge, He has the power to save.  Psalm 18:2 (PM Version)


moving forward with Ease'ta ...

For our rebellion, & our falling short,
because of lore & too because of love,
someone who loved us was pierced & crushed for
t'ose wh'ad it coming to them from above

(or from below, or both sides "round about") -
who weren't the perfect specimens of life.
Yeah they were in some trouble, and no doubt
their thinking modes were pov'a'dy & strife.

The perfect specimen - was beaten, whipped,
so we could be made whole, & truly healed
of all the ways of thinking that have stripped
the ways of true control of self (& field).

He came to model true control of self
in all the hustle bustle of this world,
to show us all a kind of "living wealth" -
that's as his flag was secretly unfurled.

And though he came at certain "time and place"
(t'at's History - as we have come to know..),
a "dreaming" woke,  that could be roughly traced
ta people who would let love rule, and go!

(' can call it "love", or call it "altruism",
or "love your neighbour - as you love yourself".
If God is like Yeshua - (he's a prism
ta show off, & display to us "top-shelf"

that's what it means (& he's the means, the way)
to get to where we want to get (well those
who want to get to respond like he'd say).
He helped folk up, to step upon their toes.

He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. Isaiah 53:5 (PM Version)

May you experience today all that Christ has done for us. He came to set us free. There is nothing more we can do, just accept what Jesus has done [& said - where we can]. He did it all on the cross, [& before that he warned us, when he said "you cannot be my disciple (learner/child) unless you give up all rights to yourself, & take up your cross (every day), & follow me]. Thank you Jesus [for providing true leadership, & a crucial  "dreaming" to infuse our flat 2D lives with that 3rd dimension] . Have a truly blessed day.
Paul M. [&W.]


Daily thanking, grieving whenever....

Because of the Creator's faithful love
for us, we now won't perish finally,
for mercies still continue from above -
they're falling like the dew does each morning.

God's kindnesses, & God's mercies - faithful -
continue falling everywhere like rain
on God's children (both the good & hatefull).
Do only those who don't see LOVE, "complain"?

It seems to me to enter into love,
we need to start with thanking for the good
we have received (& since it's from above)
its source can also cope when our grief would

both cry out loud (or sadly moan and weep)
along with giving thanks for good that's come.
Creator's faithful love can take a heap,
& overlooks a multitude (or some)

of all our weaknesses, & fallings-through
(unless we will not let God grow our faith
& love - that we might be as God is - true).
God strengthens us, and guards us from the wraith.


Because of the Lords faithful love to us that we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22,23 (PM Version)

The Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (PM Version)



Be humble before God. Resist ol' Nick
(that thief,  who'd nick a lolly from a babe),
and he will flee from you! That's true - & quick(!) -
for your resistance puts him in the shade.

It uses time (till father walks back in),
& makes him re-al - ize  - he's running out...
And if you choose to walk, or make a din,
God will come close to you, without a doubt!

And whether you can see him there or not,
he'll give you what you need - show you the way.
He'll lead you into Truth (not into rot)
that's in your core, not just the words you say.

He'll help you to determine what is right,
& just & true & lovely, "for the best";
& then determine how to do (& fight
for) it, & so determine the tru-est

new world that you can think of  will come true,
by your determination (under God),
& this is all the best God has for you:
His children (baby gods), go where he trod!

That's not as lonely trackers  where he stepped,
who follow up a trail where he is not;
but with him, learning to keep as he kept
determinedly loving all this lot.

You, you are God who saves me, gives me hope,
& teaches me your 'khesed' (faithful love),
I'll run to you (my options don't help cope),
and live your life and wisdom "from above"!


Be humble before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.Come close to God and God will come close to you. James 4:7,8a (PM Version)
Show me Your ways O Lord. Point out the right path for me to follow. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for you are God who has saved me and gives me hope. Psalm 25:4-5 (PM Version)..........


real riches

Since we brought nothing into this world, and 
then can take nothing out of it with us,
our greatest wealth in the process at hand
is a contentment that's with Godliness.


Godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing with us. 1Timothy 6:6-7 (PM Version)............


something oppressive is in the air... she observed*

I wonder if you’ve felt it:
Have you too picked it up?
It’s in the air around us:
A kind of expression..

It’s almost like a “spirit”,
an alien “get-up” -
it’s not home's "high" that found us -
some kind of depression.

We want to find we’ve dealt it
a death-blow, blown it up,
a vaccine to surround us,
yeah, a vaccination.

More hugs might help us “wear it”?
I wonder what set up
would not let it confound us?
Maybe some relation,

or friend, acquaintance, smelt it,
knows where it has shown up,
could have trained, “belt & gowned” us,
helped get off! - What station?


* A new friend came for tea and speaking of life in Australia she observed something that was at times difficult to express, & that we don't generally like to talk about. ... Maybe that's good NOT to give it much airplay. But we need careful diagnosis, if we are to seek fitting remedy.


loving life

My chance before my culture's swift demise,
to now restore priorities to life,
is now (each day) to side with what is wise,
bring into play a joy deeper than strife...

So with the one who turned that rit-ual wash-
-ing water (fun?) to wine at a wedding,
I'll trust him to take my small acts of: quash-
ing fears, & (to lie on) make my bedding

for a long sleep, & trust him to wake me
(new me) to peep, but old me to be lost;
my part's to face my death and bury the
old me (erase), well, turned into compost. ...

So in that spirit - welcoming my death -
now I can hear it not as negation
of what's alive, but of what's got no breath
(ghostly surviv-al). An affirmation

-what's larger than this life as we know it;
Resurrection of christ's life within me.
Bag of bones here, so that we can show it -
so it appears, I must fully bin ME!

That's bin the fear, & its means-to-control,
& in love near (and far) start nourishing,
regenerating, & though, truth be told,
it's sacrificing: birthing & singing

for joy of life, that's deeper still again...
& friendships rife with truth & love, & grace,
seen in that story that shines from that man -
Yeshua's glory - seen in his bright face. 


It is no longer I that liveth but Christ that lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 (PM Version)


ning nong Listen ning..

Hebrew concept of Listening:

Who's listening and looking for the prodigal... a father, or a judge?

The judge's gabble fell twice on the bench:
Be good!
Thump, thunk!

Here here!
Hear hear!
Here hear!
Hear here!
Live &
Choose in
light of..

The Father's heart beat fast within his breast:
See Good.
Think, thank!

Here, there,
hear hear!
There hear!
Hear here!
Live &
choose in
light of..

Mercy triumphs over Judgement!


The seed is planted.... will we let it grow

God has made everything beautiful in its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of Gods work from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (PM Version)

Looking at everything "under the sun"
(ignoring prophets God sent unto us),
we can still learn a lot... here we've begun...
God has made everything "beautiful plus"...

that's in its own time, & setting, et cet-
-er-a. Each ecosystem is a world,
meshing with others, each is a part, yet
it's in our minds that the big scheme is curled,

humans can see this and recognize it,
somehow as "baby gods" we 'oversee',
& though we can't "take in" its full size, it
seems God plants right in us - e-ter-nit-y...


courage, also strength.. come of age at length

Doing cleanings
of some texts, and 
found these gleanings
near my screen hand:

The other kind
(excerpting run),
that came to mind
while having fun...

(number 1
Paul McLaughlan (PM) 2PW)
My hope is in The Lord, He gives me courage and strengthens my heart. Psalm 31:24 (PM Version)

Number 2
Truly he gives me courage and strengthens my heart, since in this covenantal relationship (as at a wedding, the presents are just faint representations of the two most significant presents that we watch being given, when the groom gives his own self to the bride, and the bride gives her own self to the groom) God has given me himself, and he himself is my courage, and the strength of my heart! 
God, I love you.
God, we love you.
Reflecing back yours.

(Number 3

Truly he gives me courage and 
strengthens my heart, since in this land:
Covenantal Relationship 
[as at weddings, presents are slipped..

faint representations of two 
most special presents that we view
being given, or hear spoken 
(of which those rings are a token)

when the groom gives his own self to
"My bride" , and she gives to her groom
her own self ] God has given us,
(not just all his stuff - much more fuss),

HIS SELF; that's enough, and includes
everything he owns, & exudes*,
he himself, is my strength of heart
and my courage, when I am part

of this love story that we're in.
Our love's (of yours) a reflection.
God, I love you. Glad you're my friend!
Glad you are true, and love dain't end#!

*and he himself atones for my moods;
# 1Cor 13:7-8a


Image 'n

So we fix our eyes  not on what we can see but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (PM Version)

Well "fixing our eyes
on what is unseen"
takes us past the lies
of "concrete thinking";

aiding, abetting
it all of the while -
simply not sweating
what's small (on his dial).

So love for "Other"
is leading the way -
specially since "brother"
or "sister" is ... (Hey -

he said it, not me),
right where he is now
(he's helping me be
less concrete, somehow)!

Enjoying "concrete",
yet seeing beyond;
so letting worlds meet
in us, not as "blonds"

("that" way of speaking).
A concrete "runner"
though, helps me peeking
further (& funner):

for many bubbs "blond",
do later become
a colour beyond
(as they are less dumb).

Though, as I grow "white"
in my hair, each day -
may be that this sight
is to help me pray -

and as a dumb child
(who can't speak a word)
be quieted when wild
paroxysms stirred

by nestling in mum
trusting her presence
to help me to come
back to the essence

of things, which we'll see
as just concrete milk,
or community -
both lavae, AND silk.

For all that is seen
are "temporaries",
yet can help to wean
to "realities".


"my shepherd hears my voice, and listens to me"my sheep hear my voice.. and they follow me"

I love The Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because He listens to me I will pray to Him as long as I live. Psalm116:1-2(PM Version)

And now, amen
(may it be so).
God of children,
please also grow

your nature in
this stubborn child
that I might win,
grow with your wild-

-ish ways list'ning,
to hear the voice,
jew-els glist'ning
of love's clear choice.

A child who's good
lis-ens to Mum;
when her voice could
be heard, they come

(or go), and do
what they've been told
as she said to.
They can be bold

because they let
their parent's voice
in, dain't forget -
keep play'n with toys.

I've seen you grow
these good things in
folk, so I know
that I can win.

My plaintif cry
I know you'll hear,
& your "Goodbye", *
means you're still near!

* "Goodbye" originally came from "God be with ye" (Go-d b'w'ye); which when said quickly together, also strangely sounds like "Good boy!"- which may sound a bit like God's word to Jesus at his identification with a ruined world [in his first (of two) baptisms], and his word to his children at the end of time.