
what’s a 'meta' for?

I've been listening to Ian McGilchrist’s tome, The Master and his Emissary, about the specialties & interactions of the two hemispheres of the human brain, and also to Ecclesiastes where the ancient ruler/ teacher/ writer seems to be trying to understand bigger meanings but by always confining his view to what's “under the sun” not letting himself reference something outside of this Universe, - and he finds that it's actually pretty meaningless. If the writer is Solomon, he is torn, for he’s had some sort of experience with god that brought his knowledge of God to another level of not just a knowledge of the existence of God, like a rock exists, but the knowledge of interacting with this God, in his own body and seeing God respond to his sacrifice in the temple when he built it; so he's kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. (The Hard Place being life without reference to God or putting yourself under his laws, and The Rock being God himself.. who is willing to smash, to decimate, and descicrate any special treasures, which get in the way for his real special treasures which are his children. For them to learn something he's willing to do anything to his stuff

Well that got me thinking about meaning and purpose and the experiences I've had of seeming to lose all meaning and purpose, which match with strokes or things that have happened to someone's right hemisphere and where their left hemisphere is trying to do that bigger job of discerning meaning and purpose (but it can't because it only lives within its virtual reality of the model it makes of the world that it can play forward and backwards, it only deals with the parts, aspects, and that sort of thing. It can’t perceive metaphor (at least not well) so I got me thinking about metaphors again…

what’s a meta for?

Well what's a metaphor?

-  if not to make a better law 

that serves the people 

who are like to God?

the people who are meta’s 

for the purpose of betters 

will need to see themselves like that a lot.

It's true we are a simile or likeness to the God,

creative love which made and keeps the world.

But God likes to creatively give metaphors a shot, 

so we are those who are his flag unfurled.

And he's our rock and fortress, 

our buttress and our shield,

our light and comfort and our home address,

our hiding place, & house, and home & field,

our root-stock, & our head, 

our cap- & corner- stone.

The stuff of life for building, 

making movement from what’s dead,

who wants to be connected not alone!

We have each meta for the purpose of pointing above,

but only right brain-hemispheres can see 

the purposes and meanings that draw out and lead to love. 

From what I understand that's how things be. 

So let the right hand hemisphere grow stronger in me still,

and let me see the purposes you’ve got;

to be myself your servant who works with you to fulfill

not plans of mice & men, but plans of God!

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