
the story of Ruth

(hear here!) - see the Hebrew text on the left, & the NIV English translation on the right - which David Suchet uses to tell the story 

When times were pretty tough, & things went bad

then bad-luck seemed to win out - sailing free,

it could not stop the influence (and sad-

ness), of honour & serendipity.

This story has through hesed-love progressed;

and some have noticed it’s the jewel there.

Ruth’s moth’rin-law is bitter & depressed,

but providence comes too, & shows its care.

The laws of Isra’el, were set by God,

to mean the poor, and disenfranchised folk,

were able to do work & earn somewhat,

then there were honoured greetings from this bloke,

old Boaz, who treats servants, workers, lads

with great respect (& so is growing them),

might feel he’s past his prime, or lost his chance

at having faithful loving, good woman.

We see his kind, protecting, provide-ance

of goods & ser-vic-es to those around,

his thoughtfulness and planing, confidence

in someone higher to make good abound,

and so concerted efforts are deployed

and simple good is backed & wins, somehow.

A state of blessedness is just enjoyed,

and if we blink we miss the star’s own bow.

For his work is all there behind the scenes,

alluded to, or hinted at a lot,

(but with some dead-end trails, so other means

won’t be confused with means & ends he’s got.

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