
morning meditation

(22.7.2024 ff)

Well, thank you for the sleep I had with you,

safely in your presence all night through.

And thank you for the chance to walk today 

along with you, to hear what you might say, 

and watch and look and listen caref’lly to 

the things you set up, and the things you do 

as you take up responsibility 

for all that happens here. I think I see

what you are doing, well some parts of it,

yet there is much I don’t see, which can’t fit

within my model world (which is too small 

to comprehend the whole, or take in all).

I start to understand, because I bet 

that as I do grow more my “Right” will yet

not leave me “Left” alone in meaningless

self-referring circles. You’re my “Yes!”

I'm glad you've let us find out more on brains -

the partnership of hemispheres that strain

some expectations, because they commit

to work together, and in that way fit

in both wide worlds @once: folk/things & facts,

to understand enigmas, pains & acts.

God, I am now determined to let you 

be my Right Hemisphere, to see each clue,

to fill me in on purpose, & what’s worth

my time, attention, and assumptions birthed,

from which I draw conclusions, so my key

is that I keep referring back to see

how I've been going; let your veto stay,

let you turn me to face another way.

I'm trusting you to partner more (not less); 

as we walk into this new day I’m blest.

I’m tainted with some motives I declare - 

I’ve self-serving propensities that wear

me thin. I start to understand the sense

in your command for me to love, and hence

with nothing Left upon its own, I give 

my energies to serve as though I live

to bow the knee to you, your purposes.

Allegiance, looks up first, then out, then says

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