
Mind.. what you think..(2)

If we can almost do it, don't you think 

the God who made the universe might too..

Some story world where people on the brink 

make some decisions where they really choose.

And might the game creator also have

some options too to interface with those

who play the game and righty try to nav-

igate it's world, might s/he also have flows

of hints and special helps for those not skilled,

and sometimes take a character themselves,

to give them hints, and model what they willed

to do, but didn't have the skill, or health?

And lastly might an unskilled player not 

still choose to partner with their parent to ..

to play the game with everything they’ve got.

And parent will make choices what to do 

And how much skilll to use and when to let 

the character their child plays lose the game,

because of things the child might just forget -

to help them win at bigger things, not shame 

them (might be time for dinner, cleaning drain,,

or other things to help them grow up well).

And what if Mum or Dad made up the game?

The options don't diminish. Can you tell?

You see the ways the game creator might

help others to perceive a forward way

And influence their thoughts by day or night.

I'm won-der-ing about us, and YaHWeH.

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