
a song along the way today

With twurgles, & then warbles, twitters, barks

(of crows), the other birds of diff'rent coat

sing little tunes, no kookaburra laughs

though some birds do harp on, with just one note.

They wake up and then start to sing forthwith

and we are able to let joy come in

as it invokes the more than‘s in these kith,

our kin sometimes help us to just begin.

I love the cool of wind, when there is sun

It makes me feel alive, and calls me on 

to come & play at work that has begun -

unbidden comes the stirings of a song.

The grasses and tall stragly bushes wave.

(as I put this, a tall one does a jig!)

like children who would call us to be brave..

to join in on a dance, or wear a wig.

When first i started, then i saw one part 

that they who sang did not do it as art

but that forgets the ecosystem’s heart 

where wiser, bolder, serve the ones less smart.

It's like the selfish gene always exists.

It's what is Left* until the Right* steps in. 

It's mantra is the power, it insists 

that list-en-ing to other ways is “sin”.

It's evidence and metaphors it hates

unless it can truncate what these words mean.

With birds, n’ flow-ers, grasses, there's a spate

of testimonies that can do live-stream.

Yes I can see i'm got - hook, sinker, line.

The hemisphere that’s Right - and sees the wholes,

(not holes - but it looks through them all the time),

holds our divine spark, not just Left-ish souls. 

Be careful that you strangle all the cries 

of beauty, and adventure, longing, come

to disquite all the “priestly words” of spies 

who seek pow’r, and control of you, like some.

Prologue/ Footnote

 * In this composition the words Left (with a capital L) and Right (with a capital R) do not refer to a political spectrum, nor to a moral standard, so much as the mindset of the Left Hemisphere of the human brain (it's way of being, & modelling, & looking for power & control, within the world), and the mindset of the Right Hemisphere of the human brain, and it's approach to the world outside, and it's way of being, looking for connection & a place to belong within the world. (See the psychiatrist Ian McGilchrist’s books and YouTube vids)


It seems to me a bit more complex than a cursory look (by our Left Hemisphere’s Word oriented mindset) is able to appreciate, 

for the Right mindset relies on, and gives a real place to belong to the Left. It assigns it an appropriate part of the ecosystem it perceives, and will team with it. The Right is specialised in perceiving wholes outside (& inside) of me, it perceives relationships within the world. The Left, on the other hand doesn’t really deal with the world that is. It deals with parts of it that is can use within the virtual world that is has created within itself. So it models the world, and can run events through the model. past events to ascertain why certain things happened, and future possible events to predict what will probably happen. It can then serve by grasping, utilising, comidifying, & fabricating stuff in the world. A good pair. But when it does that to the right hemisphere or to other living creatures, it is out of place. So in my view (and the way we are mostly made confirms this), there is a “moral” spinoff here. The Right needs the Left to serve a bigger meaning and purpose, & the Left, needs to be not left alone, but to be “coming under”, and ser,ving the bigger purposes that the Right perceives. 

There are ramifications when this is taken to a societal or cultural level, or even a cosmic level.

Draft three of audio, as I walk today:

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