
prayer for each new day : …

God please empow’r me with your spirit to

be quick to listen to folk you bring near,

as well to you, the nearest one to do

communication, more than what I hear;

sometimes you are so close I can reach out

and touch you in a vacuum, in the dark,

& cotton on to your heart, no speech/ shout

is needed then, because you are the spark

of that divine light, which is knowledge true,

& real, and has commitment at its core.

Please make me more like Jesus, who’s like you,

to hear, and take in, as he would ensure

that he was hearing quickly your own thoughts

& hopes & dreams, and will to act and bring

folk’s deepest hopes and wishes, like fish caught

somehow in net by their own deep longings.

I want to be like him, with them & you;

to listen and to hear what’s sent my way.

You made my eyes and ears & skin to do

this picking up of messages that say

things meaningful, which hope to tune in to

the things that are eternal and bring life.

I sense you are now leading me to do

this very thing. Please help me to arrive

at tuning in. I think I really can

trust you to do such magic in this child

of yours (each girl, or boy, or woman, man),

who let's your own Christ-life run in them wild!


morning meditation

(22.7.2024 ff)

Well, thank you for the sleep I had with you,

safely in your presence all night through.

And thank you for the chance to walk today 

along with you, to hear what you might say, 

and watch and look and listen caref’lly to 

the things you set up, and the things you do 

as you take up responsibility 

for all that happens here. I think I see

what you are doing, well some parts of it,

yet there is much I don’t see, which can’t fit

within my model world (which is too small 

to comprehend the whole, or take in all).

I start to understand, because I bet 

that as I do grow more my “Right” will yet

not leave me “Left” alone in meaningless

self-referring circles. You’re my “Yes!”

I'm glad you've let us find out more on brains -

the partnership of hemispheres that strain

some expectations, because they commit

to work together, and in that way fit

in both wide worlds @once: folk/things & facts,

to understand enigmas, pains & acts.

God, I am now determined to let you 

be my Right Hemisphere, to see each clue,

to fill me in on purpose, & what’s worth

my time, attention, and assumptions birthed,

from which I draw conclusions, so my key

is that I keep referring back to see

how I've been going; let your veto stay,

let you turn me to face another way.

I'm trusting you to partner more (not less); 

as we walk into this new day I’m blest.

I’m tainted with some motives I declare - 

I’ve self-serving propensities that wear

me thin. I start to understand the sense

in your command for me to love, and hence

with nothing Left upon its own, I give 

my energies to serve as though I live

to bow the knee to you, your purposes.

Allegiance, looks up first, then out, then says



"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (‭Matthew 5:7 NIVUK‬)

How blessed to be shown mercy are we now?

The question is: Will I let that flow through

this life, as though I am a hose somehow,

the source is bigger than me. God it’s you!

I cannot be a cup, with one end blocked,

unless I keep on moving back and forth

and emptying myself out, kind of rocked,

and filled again from your unending source.


What's in a day?


We’ll find out what a day might bring, & we

choose to bring to it on this day, I say.

But finding out comes not to us by speech

but by our actions, looks, and listens, eh?


a mother’s day… in an aging body…

Dear Mum, I love you, and I'm glad God's plans 

reach further than our lives en utero,

where we can know no parent’s (woman's/ man's)

attention, love, & smile. And that is so

to help us to be stronger in the light

of day, when we come out, and cord is cut;

it might seem like we’ve lost mum's oversight,

but as cord shrivels, love replaces gut.

And I think this a parable for us,

of closeness to our God (both Dad, & Mum).

En utero, we hardly know the fuss

that God makes of us, untill the Out Come!

Like bits of scripture says: the whole she-bang

is waiting gladly till the kids of God,

come out and are displayed, and gladly hang

around to follow ev’ry-where God trod.

Our bodies will be sim-i-lar, but not

the same, in certain ways they’ll differ much.

But we’ve had this before, and we all got

quite used to other options, kinds of touch.

So thank you God, for helping us not be

so tied to these old bags of skin & bones,

that pass on life through blood, for now we see

there’s diff’rent ways for you to be our homes.

And covenant commitment, faithful love,

is core to each of your plans and each hope.

And so as Christ who welcomed flut’ring dove,

committed it to you, we’ll also cope.


Day after his birthday..

Yeah, birthday boy, sorry to have missed messaging yesterday. May as well have a happy day today as well.

Happy Day after ya birthday!

Go well,

'gainst hell,

for God;

he trod

this sod.

Does still


You rep'

his step.

We're glad

you had

birth day!

Hey, hey!

Good to be spending our currency of time together on Earth for a bit.

Love you Dunc.


* Injil is the arabic word for "Gospel" (euangelion; or evangel); by this they call the whole New Testament; as distinct from Torah (I think) for The Hebrew Bible.



Join in.. ; .. :’-©.\_()√|=~~✓

Join in, join in, join in, join in,

join with what God’s doing here.

Join in - you might give a grin, 

or maybe you will shed a tear.

Join in, join in, join in, join in

Join in, join in, join in, join in,

he’s creative that is clear

join with what he’s doing here..

and his hesed (loving determinedly),

join in as you start to see  (it)

Join in, join in, join in, join

join with what God’s doing here

keep an eye on his own time

maybe you’ll shed many tears

but join in!

Join in, join in, join in, join in

join with what God’s doing here.

Look for what you see he does 

and follow him, you’ll get a buzz

Join in, join in, join in, join in,

join with what God’s doing here.

Join in - you might give a grin, 

or you might just shed many tears.

Join in, join in, join in, join in

join with what creative love

does as it walks through this land

springing good things up at hand

Join in, join in, join in, join in

that’s what I want now to do!

I want to… join in with you

creative love, you know me too..

Join in, join in, join in, 

Paul (de) Walker (written up Sat 20 July’24) Audio recording on road (Draft2)

Get real.. (draft 2)

 Get real..

..with your world’s creator/ sustainer (shortened here to God) as well as all your world..

So guard your steps about the house of God. 

Go near to God to listen rather than 

to offer something God’s already got,

and foolish words will desecrate a man.

So, don’t be quick to yabber with your lips, 

or even in your heart before God’s throne

in Heaven - heart of all relationships

while you’re on Earth where many aren’t yet known..

As dreams abound with very many cares;

so many words with hot air just explode.

And if our words are ty-res  -  are they “spares”,

and wasted^ if they never hit the road?

So do not let your mouth lead you to sin. 

If God hears all, and takes you at your word,

why make things so much harder than they’ve been?

Like anxious dreams, our much speech is absurd!

Audio Recording Draft 3


‘  Tyres nowadays have a “use by” date, for they disintegrate and split etc after something like 11yrs, even if never driven on.

“Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. 2Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. 3A dream comes when there are many cares, and many words mark the speech of a fool. 4When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfil it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfil your vow. 5It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfil it. 6Do not let your mouth lead you into sin. And do not protest to the temple messenger, ‘My vow was a mistake.’ Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands? 7Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God” (‭Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 NIVUK‬)


Today’s opportunity

In the Judaeo/Christian Scriptures (Torah) YaHWeH is  called "The Ancient of Days"...

Some thoughts about this "Recent of Days" & today's opportunity..

I get to bend my tiny little will to choose, to join in with the  creator of this Universe, the Heavens & the Earth, and to join in in the way, or manner in which this being of creative covenant love does things. This is the kind of being who made the male and female Adarm to image this kind of personhood on earth, in order to rule in the kind of way this being would. I will! (Oh my God, not on my own - like a human’s Left Brain Hemisphere, ignoring the Right, but as with those two hemispheres, in constant interaction to bring about the best possible version of “my choice”. I hear your word that it was not a good idea for the man to be alone. That would not image you very well? But after you had made the man & woman, similar, yet different, you only gave your mandate of ruling over the whole world to the two of them, the partnership. “..male and female God created the Adarm. And God blessed the Adarm and said “Be fruitful, & multiply, and fill the Earth, and rule over it (as a visible expression or manifestation of my kind of ruling). …

Please help this part of an embryo to keep growing, maturing, developing, and save me from my severing tendencies. Yeshua is somehow the Bridge, the Corpus Callosum. And somehow he modelled that complete working with the one he called his Father. I choose for that kind of relating too!.

Every time I forget or drop it. I will just trust you to keep on with the growing process, and start again.

Please also help my good lady and me to learn your creative determinedly loving ways, to model your nature, your being, your idea of humanity’s purpose - to display your essential nature & leadership style.


Get real..

..with your world’s creator/ sustainer (shortened here to God) as well as all your world..

So guard your steps about the house of God. 

Go near to God to listen rather than 

to offer something God’s already got,

for foolish words will desecrate (all \ wo)men÷.

So, don’t be quick to yabber with your lips, 

or even in your heart before God’s throne

in Heaven - heart of all relationships

while you’re on Earth where many aren’t yet known..

As dreams come when we toss & turn with cares;

so many words in speeches just (erode \ explode)#.

And if our words are ty-res  -  are they “spares”,

and wasted^ if they never hit the road?

So do not let your mouth lead you to sin. 

If God hears all, and takes you at your word,

why make things so much harder than they’ve been?

Like anxious dreams, much speech is waste… (absurd \ a turd)*!


÷ to be said as either “desecrate women”, or “desecrate all man” (reader decide which is best for your setting).

#  take your pick which one to say: “erode” or “explode”, both can happen, many words from the speaker both erodes the meaning, and the listeners attention, and can puff up the speaker with a sense of self-importance & grandiosity, and wreck the speech event as a chance for real connection.

‘  Tyres nowadays have a “use by” date, for they disintegrate and split etc after something like 11yrs, even if not used.

*  Choose which to say in your reading event: either “absurd” - meaning meaningless, out of place, not logical or fitting; or “a turd” - a proper name for a formed poo, or dung. A piece of uselessness; unworthy and meaningless  as a gift to anyoneÏ€ . Something to be rid of, rather than put on display.

Ï€  normally true, though I do have a friend who gifts his poo to people with bowel problems, and it helps, it is not meaningless. And is therefore an exception.

Audio Recording draft 1