
Twenty twenty-four, two babes (Eb, & Poppy), and then one more..

Happy birthday Sam. 

We love you a lot.

You are the kind of ram

who takes sheep-life you've got,

slowly spreads it more

where it will grow and thrive

(known from times before)

till there are more alive

who are not goats, but sheep

who live in partnership

(humanity's own bleat,

instead of just it's lip)

So as with sheep in flock

with shepherd over all

this day we would be shocked

If you weren't standing tall.

But there are times we know

to bow the head, submit

to something that’s a blow

& then to learn through it

whatever is most apt

(sometimes it’s just to shoot

a trust-look, as perhaps

a sheep does when its mute)

We look and see & learn

how son can be with Dad,

then gladly take your turn,

to move to Joy, through Sad*.

*  Remembering the truth that AA has uncovered, and depends on, and finds dependable: “The best is yet to come!”

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