

Please grow me Lord, to love with understanding,

be open to a love as large as yours.

I am so small & weak, & quite demanding.

I know my limits on my own because

there isn’t much to know.. it is so small,

& limited, this self. A quite small cup

of love to lavish on more than this Paul;

a few drops, then the end is quite abrupt.

I see enough, and have experienced

when I’ve not been “a cup”; but more “a hose”.

And in that time there’s been a flow, I’ve sensed

and known the pow’r of love, I now suppose

which made (with holy creativity)

the whole world that we live in; and which holds

it all together, so that you & me

could learn to love, & want to be so bold, 

so capable, creative & propi-

tious with hands, feet, but smile & tools as well;

that thoughts link to intentions & commit-

ments, & conduit a kind of anti-hell -

the friendship that can turn our common life

into a heaven that we gladly share

but also would protect from “cancer” rife

when acting isn’t owned & kept to where

it’s helpful, and builds up, enabling love

thats strong and true to flow through us as hose

that chanells what is spread here “from above”.

I want, no choose, to be just one of those!

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