
moving right along

Well, thanks for all your help dear God, today.

It was a lot of fun to walk with you

into an unknown school and class, to say,

(but more than that to listen, learn to do

what will make me a servant of those kids,

and fam-il-ies which send them to that school)

..to say the kind of slow things that love bids

it's children do to turn talk from a “tool”

to help manipulate & change the world,

to make it as we see fit so to do,

a tool that helps us leverage what’s curled

in ev’ry human round, near me & you;

into a way, a path to travel down

to learn together, as we walk along,

to interact, and ask, with smile or frown,

& so relate in ways that sing their song.

And so, this way of being slow to speak

is kind of like a trust that God will act,

it might not make strong all that has been weak,

but partnerships to serve it will impact.

I saw it in myself this very night,

a part of me that wanted to relate,

you didn’t let it get snuffed out of sight,

and out of mind; so deep desires sate.

You helped the candle flame leap up in song

responsive to a person in the room

it makes for others who might come along.

Your words in me fanned this small flame to boom.

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