
"Death to my self-sufficient pride"

Amen. Amen. Amen.

And I will work along with you, my Lord,

to see this wretched creature hung up straight

where it should be, instead of "be adored",

as it claims for itself. At least of late.

A cross is just the thing that works, for it

is higher up than other things around:

and goat-like my own pride climbs up to sit

where it is over all - it would be found.

It loves to "play the martyr", bear its shame

while ruling over all the world and more.

As long as it's above, it bears its pain.

This undead "god"; will one day die for sure!

Bless you, Lord Jesus; giving us the Way

of subjugating pride of life to love,

and letting that atomic pow-er pay

a visit.. None is stronger. None can shove

the love of Christ away and make a space

where it can have its own world to exist

and rule in isolation. Your good ways

leave no air pride can breathe within love's mist.

And Lord, I'm trusting you to suffocate

and kill it once for all with your good death,

Your life that's lived in love's own anti-hate-

full atmosphere is sweet with ev'ry breath...

Rub in your life to us, please more our Lord.

We only want it. We'll despise our pride

that doesn't want a shared life:"What's that for?"

it says. It sure as hell would rather've died.

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