
A friend has cataract surgery...

So God, please keep on healing (as you do),

these bodies and these eyes with their clear skin.

And help us on the inside to trust you

as your small child, to start where you begin.

As such, our sight was always gift from you,

and what a lovely gift it always is..

And when the abstract sight is coming too,

and metaphor is piggy backing this...

It seems to hold a whole lot more than what

it takes to just use senses to take in.

It links us to eternal things forgot,

with pow'r to change the world, to conquer sin…

for blind eyes can't be blamed for not seeing,

but seeing eyes, within a human head,

can implicate their owners in their free-

ing new things to come to our earth which shed

their outcomes, either more light and more love,

or else more cover jobs, which don't reveal

but keep the secrets in with kick & shove.

Oh God, your gift of light/ life/ sight's a deal..

that's nothing like a "deal" with us at all.

It feels like plain ol' gift of gracious love,

equipping us to be like you, though small,

to oversee not by control, or shove,

but in a way to bring true natures out,

to let them show themselves within your world.

Your way that "lets" light be (though bound), gives shout,

to your great giving nature, as unfurled.

He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.” Revelation 21:4 GNTD

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