
1) Humanity starts with humility...


that leads on to glory

starts with humility 

following the leader of our story

It's life and death for us now, yes this thing

that's central to humanity at core.

A thing that God himself is modelling

and has been all along. And what's that for?

A question worth the asking, I would say.

But first the thing itself: it's seven times*

within the meaning-making-myth^ that's layed

down for "beginning" life with meaning rhymes..

The first story & poem gifted us

to undercut the rule of power & force

(with its assertions that life's meaning-less

-  which honest folk make from that stance because

they see with clarity, that this must be

the case if love and friendship do not lead)...

That first step in the task of following

creative love, links with the verb "to see".

The eyes of head, and heart [including mind

-  which understands the point of pointing to

a thing (as pointer dogs can do, and find

things from, while other dogs just sniff at  you)]

enable us to follow lines of sight,

& thought, and then infer some further stuff.

And then we "see", not just as bird/bee might

but bigger workings, purposes enough

to then include ourselves, as we might be

when we grow up in this creative love.

God 'saw' what good there was, and so might we.

There's more. But for the first step, that's enough.

*  "And God saw that the light was good." Genesis 1: 4.

   "And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:10,    

   "And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:12

   "And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:18, 

   "And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:21,

   "And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:25,

   "And God saw everything he had made, & indeed it was very good." Genesis 1:31

^  "myth" in the sense of the sociologist/anthropologist technical use of the word: being a story (irrespective of facticity or fictional characteristics) told within a culture as a method of passing on (through metaphor, analogy, allegory, & other forms of identification), important insights and approaches to life, linking the everyday concrete world with the abstract or the world of intention & spirit.

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