
social skills (2) for a child of humanity

I thought that I might benefit, myself,

(and truth be told, I think that statement's right)

if I went for an eve'ning walk, in health

and when the weather's good - each day or night.

And when I go with that creative love

that made all living creatures in this world,

and is to us a mother hen, or dove,

then I'm the egg that's cracked, the chick uncurled.

And my security, and hiding place,

my place of refuge, is my mother bird.

The one whom I look for, to "seek the  face"

as babe looks for its mother's, so I've heard.

'Coz otherwise I search out other folk,

unburdening on them (instead of this

my parent who's apparently no joke),

as people who live on their own insist.

The burden of real love looks something like:

a someone who has others in their mind

and thus is glad, or sad, as on they hike,

re-membering them to what folk they find.

In gracious ways, not forcing, vi'lently;

but learning how compassion does its thing.

Identifying all the good we see.

And giving voice to thanks, and then prai-sing.

We learn by building courage so to act

and speak with a respect, and rev'rence for 

this self that I must own in point of fact,

and then each other being I see more.

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