
Sickness (of heart)..

Well God, how does all this stuff in your world,

work? Or another way to say it might

be: Wisdom from above speaks of the pearled, 

bejeweled lovely ornaments or lights

to hold, or wear, with gladness in this life;

that is the insight, knowledge, understand-

ing and the wisdom - find-able and rife,

which must be sought, before they'll come to hand.

Discovery and holding-fast are part 

of how we're truly owning, valueing,

and then to really treasure in our heart;

what could be seen as "granted" - by machine.

And if it's not an automatic thing

(dispensing mech-an-is-m, like in banks);

and if each good comes out of some loving

one's heart, and is received as such - with thanks,

then, not as script the first time actor reads,

but when they've let the character right in,

and start to be affected and to heed

some things, as their dramatic "self" has seen.

We'll start to really play the part, in life.

At first we can think that this world's the "real",

but as we go, his Dad-jokes coming by

feed to the sense of humour that we feel.

And "light" we saw as sterile "emf",

the knowledge, thinking, as computers do;

we come again to see as rainbows left,

as rays of sunshine, from the heart of YOU.

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