
Compassionate (or Non-Violent) Communication

Creative Care, I'm glad you've helped some folk

before me to see ways compassionate

of hearing well the stuff that is no joke, 

but key to being human, passionate.

Observing, looking, list-en-ing; once heard,

recalling fairly what events went down, 

communicating truth, with loving word,

when time and place are fitting, without frown,

or censure, but withholding judgement for

as one implied "You won't have all the facts."

Then bringing out some hidden ones so more

are made known to these folk. Such thing impacts

relating, with the people who have heard. 

Instead of keeping all my cards real close,

I'm acting as a friend would do with words;

I'm naming, bringing out, to then disclose

my feelings, so in truth they're kept "at bay",

not just let go on high seas as they'd like.

On top of that, my inner needs today

are then walked out, as though they're on a hike.

And I must do the work of judging what

are truly needs, or just my wants/ desires,

before I open up. And when they've got

that info, they could shoot me down in  fire.

And then framing request of whom I'm with,

in order to fulfill my spoken need.

As well as then receiving all of this,

from others too, as though we'll grow good seed.

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