

 Txt2me: What I'm experiencing with the Christian group I'm involved with there seems to be a lot of intention with little action. 

Least my mates follow up on what they say.

TxtFromMe: Ok.

Have you mentioned that to them?

Jesus was insistent that we be on guard against the "yeast of their religious leaders", which, at least Luke tells us, was hypocrisy (Luke 12)...

So it must be a (if not THE) danger for us.

God, keep Ol' Mate & me,

and all your people round,

from that hypocrisy

that keeps ideals sound

and whole & hearty too

while shrinking inside us.

Thus we are less like you

who's really real, & busts

heaps of the pictures we

think that you should be like

and that's especially

true of each child, or tyke

of yours you send to here -

this world of yours, to rule

it in a way that's dear

to your heart. Not as fools.

But often we would seem

to want to paint a pic-

ture of what we would deem

acceptable (& quick),

and then forget to be

the picture we displayed.

I now begin to see

why Jesus said what made

an issue, like he did

about just being real,

and salt & light, not hid,

out-standing in his field!

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