
Tough times... What to do?

(Names may be changed, to protect the innocent)

I hope you get a job, ol' Henny mate,
or some way for this world to "Henny fit"
that all your skills and attitudes to date,
and knowledge would be of most benefit!

I'm looking at the sky, just now and then,
as sun is setting, dark blue's washing light,
but clouds are rolling in here, such that when
they do it will seem early on-set night.

And this reminds me of what Jesus did
(I don't know why, oh yes I do), that time
when towns-folk brought a bloke (or just a kid?)
to him, who couldn't hear or (prob'ly) rhyme,

He took him off away from all the crowd,
& did a pantomime for him alone,
so he could understand what's going down,
then looked up to the sky and gave a groan.

No words were spoken then, a sigh is traced.
I didn't understand what happened there,
until a Chinese visitor named "Grace"
said that this was a case of him at prayer.

"He's praying in the language of that man,
- who hardly can say anything at all"
(And now I'm glad Grace helped me understand)
That Jesus, like a priest, prayed (for us all).

Then like a prophet he could speak God's word
to that there chap and it sure did the trick.
It just led me to think (might be absurd),
that you (& I) could "look up, and groan", quick!

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