
Love will wait upon his will

Can ever anything, us separate
from love of Christ, who was born from above.
If we've encountered some troubles of late,
it doesn't mean that we have lost his love;

for hardship, destitution, hunger, &,
calamity & troubles threatened him
with danger & with death. He understands
more than most any leader that has been.

When Paul thought more about it ('n'I agree),
he said he was convinced that nothing could,
well, separate us from love such as he
displayed in practice. I think God, who's good

has raised him up so nothing can at all
diminish him nor stop his love that pours
on desert landscape like a waterfall.
There is no chance to smash him anymore!

So in this world that's broken as it stands,
with leaders left upon it who care not
for more than their "own good", we are his hands,
if we will let him live though us, the lot!

Expressing and addressing now the good
of others, as God brings them into view,
while trusting as (he led us to) we should,
that God would back us up, when all's made new!

Just now, until the King enthroned returns,
we'll have these skirmishes, which he'll then cease.
Our bodies even now are growing, learn-
ing to be what they will be when released!

Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (NLT) -Romans 8:35, 
& Will's addition ( maybe with help from Zac Poonam): The answer to these questions is an emphatic NO! Nothing can separate Christ from us once we ask Him into our hearts. But also realize that troubles are NOT an indication that God is withholding His love for us. Calamity, persecution, hunger, destitution, danger, and death are all a result of living in a broken world.

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