
a child of god

Thinking of that fellow you mentioned the other day who was inclusive, & what he said to someone (your Grandfather?), and some of the core of Jesus' teaching, and your life, & the times you are quite child-like in trusting and wanting great things.... All that was in the mix with "Easter", and gave birth yesterday to the poemish thing below (after the two paraphrases of JC)

"unless you are changed & become like a little child you will never really know God's hope for what we'd grow into, his help to become it, nor enjoy the fullness of his creative power" JC

"unless you give up all rights to yourself, and unflinching head for the worst death our culture can dream up, watch what I do and copy it, you are not a follower of me." JC

The message of Christ's death
is foolish to those who
are looking for more breath,
but shun all those who do

love life, truth, good power
that's in line with what's "wild".
But who lives in "the now",
and like a little child,

not trying "not to bow",
but wide eyed all the while,
is helped by who knows how,
& gives a grateful smile.

This one is being saved
from matrix-es around
(that powerful ones have craved);
Child walk on holy ground!

The message of the cross is foolish to those who are heading for destruction, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 (PM Version)

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