
what a gift: self-healing ..... body lift: soul reeling!

I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the LORD. Jeremiah 30:17a  (PM Version)

Most people
have bodies
that bin healed
from disease.
ONE who gave
us bodies
will too save
food for these.
But it's not
"him or us";
he asks: "What
is the fuss?"
He offered
second, third..
place in it.
Our Father
wants to share,
or rather,
help us where
we can grow
up to be
what he'd know
from his dreams
of us when
first conceived
way back "then",
he believed
in us so, 
he brought to
being, glow,
me and you.
No-one else
ever deals
life and health,
and then heals 
without trick.
That's why we
"Thank you" - quick,
and slow too,
any way
that is true,
we would "say".
Thinking now,
of him who
led the bow-
-ing to you.
Oh, oh God,
he watched out
for your nod,
never pout-
-ing himself,
list'ning quick.
Take this elf,
else I'm sick,
off the shelf
(you're a "brick"
and his wealth),
heal him "quick" 
-open ears,
and too eyes,
so he hears,
and espies
what you're doin',
to join in
with heaven,
making friends.

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