
A mate, like me, is struggling...

Just thought I would touch base, all good. Still a bit panicked and anxious, but it is helping to have people around. I'm struggling with ...

Thank you God for your provision
of good things that have come our way:
food and drink, feeling and vision,
and guts that will digest unpaid.

Hearing the world round about,
is amazing for connecting.
Our memory helps work things out,
and learn (to be self-correcting).

Our whole body, is so useful,
thank you for it God our Father,
capacity to be choose-ful,
is a good gift that we'd rather

not do without... until we stop
and re'lize they're all in balance:
unconscious sleep's a gift on top
of exercise & conscious choice

we need them both nor can one drop;
this kind of in & out rhythm,
is more complex than we can cop
easily, this ecosystem

keeps things of this world in balance,
and takes a while to recognize.
In this world we're given talents,
use them gratefully for the prize.

Things of character and values
aren't in this same balancing act
I've heard, and right now I'll tell yous
the Way, Life, Truth is more than Fact.

The Way is not just a clear path.
It turns out when I look at him
who led the way on our behalf,
who is "our way", our way's not dim.

The Life of the Ages, he brought
in coming himself to this place
independant of food and wat-
-er, air and movement, in his face.

His grace, and kindness overcome,
with Trueness to his world and folk.
His Kind 'v Truth gets off his bum,
and acts, he is the True-est bloke!

And we will be too, if he's true,
for he has taken us on as
his own "sons", as he did then too,
to make us like himself. What plans!

Panic-ed, anxious, struggling people!
How on Earth will he do all this?
Eyes set on him; and then heap all
our worries on him, make them his.

Though it starts on this Earth, it don't
finish here, there's a new model
coming down the line and it won't
be on it's own, He said God'll

make all things new! - and He's the first,
then new Heavens, and a new Earth,
and somehow with those, too, will burst
bodies for all borne with new birth!

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