

(closer look, and recall)

God, thank you that your spirit brings newness,

a life of diff’rent quality and kind,

a different motivation, truly bless-

’ed am I, with your wakened sort of mind,

instead of zombie-like, tasked, tired, A.I.

whose energy is limited to self’s 

own stock derived or stored and carried by

my own desires, my needs, and then my health’s

capacity to just continue on

(& probably the largest part of that’s

a hangover from pre-worked love’s own song

that can’t be ditched so easily. My spats

with my own self now can not quite afford

to stop the love of self (doing what’s best

to help it, feed it, clothe it, give it wat-

er..)  batt’ry pow’r is like I have no chest.

No pumping heart of love that makes all else

a possibility, for somehow it 

surfs waves that other surfers in good health

can’t use, because of fluid mechanics.

As with a water foil on surfboard’s base

another kind of motive force is found

& something like a tidal wave can hast-

en me along, or wind-waves all around.

But more than all these motives’s mech-an-

ics, are the bigger motives in a life

born from our purposed choices, not the  man-

ic’s quickly ended energy in strife.

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