
today’s blessing..

Blessed be the One who learns instead of spearns,

his father’s own example, for he turns

from his desires, to do the will of God,

and he’ll be blest, within that nest, & shod

with news to tell, and suited well in love,

his life will be no misery, but shove-

-elled full with joy, in suff’ring buoyed above

desire itself, to the top shelf - a glove

of flesh on bones which then atone sin’s “self”

and give it place to be defaced in health-

-y ways which plays to sin’s own need to heed

the truth that in its “youth”, it's “life” must bleed

away, and somehow God’s world can allow

for “falling-short” to be aborted now

and in its place make time and space, somehow,

for choice; new girl or boy says “Boo!”, and bows.

And “falling-short” is then the sort of thing

that might be still experienced with sing-

-ing wonderful adventures pulling height

in other ways, which then display the  might 

of hes’ed-love which from above made all

who started well & grew to tell that small

is not a prob-lem, and a goblin hall

can beauteous be, and in it we feel tall,

and blest in rest and quietness to be

then able to also work through, so we

are truly tir’d, before expired can see

how bless’ed is each way of his! Blest he!

“With desire I have desired to share this meal with you before I suffer.” (Luke 22:14-16)

Bev & Graeme lead us Sat AM.

To’ve thank of you when thoughts

would overcome our tasks,

acknowledging what ought

so to be seen and said;

we think of you to ask,

for giving us our food,

forgiving us our debts

as we forgive all who’d

owe us some recognize-

ing, lack of their despis-

-ing, or some recompense.

And I come to my sense.

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