
Bless’ed children

Blest be the One who listens to his Mum

& Dad, and learns from what they have to say.

For any love within his life has come 

to this one through his parents, and may they

be known (for what they are becoming) by

their children who have seen them close at hand.

And may their children take on board and fly

with ev’ry goodness that’s helped them to stand

and walk and talk, and notice, and believe.

Such children may then drop the habits which 

they see within their parents, yet perceive

(from close encounter), that they are hellish.

But sometimes folk in charge can say the truth,

yet fail in truly living it themselves.

So then their kids may honour words which roof

and cover them. Yet sorrow lack of health

& strength, determining themselves to be

an influence on God’s good Earth for love,

integrity and honour displayed, seen

in choices, not just words, here “from above”.

In case of which, the biggest job or task

that bless’ed children on the Earth may do,

is keep themselves within the love that lasts

and too creates new options that are tru-

ly showing out the Dad (& Mum) of all,

their “pro” creator, spreading here his life

in seed which gives out pleasures large and small;

yet keeps his word, especially with his wife.

Blessed be the One who listens to his parents’ offered advice

Blessed be the One who joins in with his good teacher’s life

Blessed be the One who habitually follows the lines of goodness back to its source

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